Managing Anxiety in School: Children, Teens and College Students

by艾琳贝利 Health Writer

It's that timeof year again. Across the country children and parents are once again preparing for a new school year. While some children have already backed their back-packs and lunches and headed out to meet new teachers, others are still buying supplies and clothes. Many children look forward to the day with excitement, even those that don't like school, look forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Some children look forward to having something to do all day, as the long days of summer start to get monotonous. But for children with anxiety and their parents, the first day of school brings a host of new worries and old concerns.

To help you through the upcoming school year, I went through to find the best articles we have on anxiety in school. I am sure you will find a lot of valuable information and insights to help your children. If you have questions or concerns or are looking for information that isn't yet on our site, please, post a comment and let me know. I'll do my best to find the information you are looking for.

How Does Anxiety in School Appear?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in School- Children with OCD may go to great lengths to try to hide their behaviors. Being aware of the symptoms helps parents and teachers help children cope with symptoms of OCD in the classroom.
Social Anxiety in Children- Many children are nervous about giving oral presentations or worried about classmates liking them. If your child's fears are interfering with their ability to learn, it may be a sign of social anxiety.

Separation Anxiety -分离焦虑通常始于孩子7至8个月,当时他们到达学龄时期已经消退了。对于一些,分离焦虑仍在继续,可以阻碍孩子上学的能力。

课堂焦虑- 虽然焦虑并不一定会影响孩子的学术能力,但它可能影响他们的学习能力。

Signs and Warnings of Teen Anxiety in High School- 有时候很难知道你的青少年是否感受到简直成为青少年的正常不安全感,或者如果有更多的东西。

Managing School Phobia and Back to School Anxiety

School Phobia- 孩子们对上学的恐惧可以表现为身体症状,例如经常抱怨头痛或胃痛。它可能是由于担心其他孩子被戏弄的表现造成的。我们提供关于父母如何帮助孩子的建议,他们每天早晨都会安全地让房子安全。

Managing Your Child's Refusal to Go to School- The late Jerilyn Ross, co-founder of Anxiety Disorders Association of America was a regular contributor on and one of her articles helps parents understand a child's refusal to go to school and gives ideas on how parents can help their child.

Back to School Anxiety -幼儿不是唯一表现出回归学校焦虑的迹象的人。中学和高中学生可以像回到学校一样着急。

帮助管理到学校焦虑的提示- 8 tips to help parents manage back to school anxiety in children and teens.

Parents Have School Anxiety Too- According to expert, Amy Hendel, "It doesn't matter if you are a first time parent sending your first child off to kindergarten or the parent of four, sending your last child off to high school.

Managing Anxiety During the School Year

Chat Transcript - Talking with Diane Peters Mayer- The author of the books Overcoming School Anxiety, The Everything Health Guide to Controlling Anxiety and Conquering Ring Nerves joined us for an informative session on helping children with anxiety in school.

Helping Children Deal with Anxiety at School -For children with anxiety, school is a stressful place. Parents can take steps to help their children manage anxiety symptoms and better cope with anxiety at school

Talking to Your Child's Teachers- 与孩子的老师创造积极的关系并不总是尽可能简单。当孩子的痛苦时,家长的情绪很高。他们与教师的互动往往被情绪统治。另一方面,老师经常过度劳累,也可能会反应愤怒或仿佛他们不在乎,即使相反是真的。实际上,父母和老师都希望孩子在学校取得成功。

Bullying: Tips for Parents- 欺凌者受害者的儿童具有低自尊,缺乏社交技巧,往往焦虑和不安全。然而,欺凌不仅仅影响社交技能或自尊,它可能会导致更低的学校表现或避免学校。

When Your Child Needs Accommodations at School

Section 504 for Children with Anxiety- Section 504 is a civil rights law, used to make sure children with disabilities are not discriminated against within the school setting.

Children with Anxiety: IEPs in School- 当焦虑干扰孩子的学习能力时,他或她可能有资格获得课堂内的特殊服务和住宿。一个联邦法律,残疾人教育法案(想法)可能会有所帮助。

Anxiety in College

Help for College Students with Anxiety- 根据Jerilyn Ross的说法,“大学校园已经填满了全国各地,大多数学生都对开始新的学年来说很兴奋。但是八分之一的人会经历无情的焦虑,可怕的恐慌袭击或不合理的生活改变重复惯例。”

在你有焦虑时要求在大学的住宿- The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects students with disabilities from discrimination and mandates access and opportunity for all students.

Stressed and Depressed on College Campuses- 我们认为大学作为无心果,有趣的时间,而是专家艾米亨德斯表示,“多达85%的学生表示他们在日常生活中感到压力(最近几个月)并且涉及学校表现,工作表现(由于许多人也有就业机会,金钱问题和关系问题。“

Meet Our Writer

艾琳贝利is an award-winning author of six books on health and parenting topics and freelance writer specializing in health topics including ADHD, Anxiety, Sexual Health, Skin Care, Psoriasis and Skin Cancer. Her wish is to provide readers with relevant and practical information on health conditions to help them make informed decisions regarding their health care.