Paul Ballas, D.O.

Paul Ballas, D.O.

Health Professional

Paul Ballas, D.O., wrote about mental health for HealthCentral. He is a member of the American Psychiatric Association and has been a presenter at the American Psychiatric Association and American Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine meetings.

Latest Articles by Paul Ballas, D.O.

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How Can I Help a Loved One Who Won't Seek Treatment?

Question: My mother is 48 years old and exhibiting what appear to be early symptoms of schizophrenia. She is paranoid, delusional, disorganized and irrational. How can I convince her to seek psychiatric help? Every time I try, she attacks me and view...

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Know the Difference Between Dysthymia and Major Depression

What is the difference between dysthymia and major depression? The simple answer is severity, but let me expand on this further. Technically, dysthymia is a pervasive “low level” depression that lasts a long time - often a few years. “Major Depressio...

Woman acting passive aggressive towards her partner
Mental Health

How to Spot and Defuse Passive-Aggressive Behavior

Recognizing that strong relationships can survive arguments is a step toward authentic interactions.

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16 Things to Know About Depression

When we lose the ability to function, whether at work or in our relationships or in our own sense of well-being. We are more than just “depressed.” We are not ourselves. Here are 16 things you should know about depression.

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10 Signs of a Depression Relapse

Many people with depression will experience symptoms only once in their lives, but for others, major depression can be an ongoing battle with relapses.

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7 Triggers of Depression

The things that trigger depression in one person may not in another but in many cases there appears to be more than one reason. Read about seven of the key areas known to have a bearing on depression.

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10 Signs of Adult ADHD

ADHD was once considered a “childhood” disorder." Today, we know different. For many, ADHD has gone undiagnosed, discovered only after their children are diagnosed.

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10 Disorders with Similarities to ADHD

These conditions can cause symptoms similar to ADD and ADHD.