Sarah Markel

Sarah Markel

Health Writer

Sarah is an experienced medical journalist who covered psoriasis and chronic dry eye for HealthCentral.

Latest Articles by Sarah Markel

Woman taking a photo of a smiling group of friends on college campus.
Skin Health

10 Easy Ways to Become Psoriasis Savvy

Living with psoriasis can be hard. It can be harder if you’re spending all your time staying on top of the latest psoriasis news and information. Luckily for you, we’ve compiled a list of 10 things you can do to get involved and stay informed about.

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Vision Health

The Facts About Dry Eye and Eye Surgery

Any surgery performed in or around the eyes has the potential to cause dry eye. Some forms of refractive vision correction surgery can affect the nerves that monitor eye moisture and send signals to the glands that produce tears. This can lead to not ...

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Is It Dry Skin or Late-Onset Psoriasis?

If you develop psoriasis in middle age, read these answers to common questions about late-onset psoriasis and how its different from other forms of the disease.

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Psoriasis can be a confusing and hard-to-manage condition, but the more you know, the easier it gets. Start with these helpful questions for your doctor.

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Vision Health

Dry Eyes? These Treatments May Bring Relief

Many things cause dry eye: hormones, allergies, long hours staring at a screen, chronic health conditions such as diabetes and thyroid disease. It can also be a result of vision correct surgery. Even some cosmetic procedures can cause dry eye. Expert...

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Vision Health

10 Signs You Might Have Dry Eye Syndrome

There is more to dry eye than lack of moisture. Here are the symptoms, including the not-so-obvious.

Chronic Dry Eye and Contact Lenses
Vision Health

Chronic Dry Eye and Contact Lenses

A common assumption is that people who have dry eye cannot wear contact lenses. Contact lenses add many potential variables to an already complex condition.

Symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome
Vision Health

Symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome

Allergies, lifestyle, age and hormonal changes each can trigger dry eye, a reduction in the amount or quality of tears we produce. The National Eye Institute lists a number of symptoms.