Examples of Sensory Processing Disorder

by艾琳贝利 Health Writer



  • Tim is 16.He can't stand the feeling of something sticking to him. When he was younger, grocery stores always gave out stickers to the little children. He would recoil when offered a sticker, loudly stating, "I hate stickers." He wouldn't even allow a sticker to be placed on his shirt. He has never used a band-aid, insisting on holding a wet cloth over any cut or scratch.

  • John doesn't like to be touched or hugged. During family gatherings, he quickly slips inside, avoiding the inevitable greetings and hugs. It isn't that he doesn't like his relatives, it is just they insist on giving him a hug. Most think he is being rude when he slinks away from their outstretched arms.

  • Zachary is always running into or falling over objects. He constantly bumps into cabinets, tables and chairs. Other people wonder how he can bump into something that should be familiar, but he does it anyway. He will run into other people in the store, even though he clearly sees they are in front of him.

  • Jonah, as a baby, would cry every time his parents changed his diaper. He seemed to be in pain and as he got a little older and started talking, he would say it hurt.

  • Andy would only wear plain t-shirts without any tags. If there was a tag in his shirt, he couldn't concentrate all day. He usually spend 10 minutes putting his shoes on each morning, making sure the seams in his socks were perfectly lined up so he couldn't feel them. Even seamless socks had to be put on a certain way.

  • 米歇尔坐下来,在嘈杂的环境中覆盖着她的耳朵。学校日的某些时候很难让她在早晨来管理 - 当每个人都进入课堂并在一天结束时,每个人都收集他们的归属和谈话时都很困难。她会坐在她的桌子上,而不是加入她的耳朵。学校大会更加困难,很多时候她会去护士的办公室或图书馆。她的大多数同学认为她很奇怪。

  • Jayne doesn't like any mess on her hands. She avoids playing with fingerpaints, sand, playdough, glue and bubbles. It makes it difficult in school as she doesn't want to participate in any of the arts, crafts or activities that involve anything gooey or messy getting on her hands. She avoids eating foods like pudding, jello, mashed potatoes or anything with a soft consistency because it may get on her hands. She gets upset when juice or other food spills on her.

  • 汤米不喜欢被触摸。他在幼儿园,拒绝在故事时坐在圈子里,因为他的一个同学可能意外触及他。他不会在玫瑰色周围的戒指中发挥任何游戏,涉及手牵着手或触摸。当班级散步时,每个人都应该牵手,他拒绝这样做。汤米也不喜欢触摸其他人触摸的物体 - 他有自己的一组蜡笔,如果别人使用一个,他不会再使用它。

  • Sidney needs action and high sensory play. He always climbs to the top of the jungle gym and spins the swing into a tight ball before letting go and twirling as fast as he can. At home he jumps from the back of the sofa or from the top of the stairs. He is always going, fast and furious and can't seem to get enough stimulus to satisfy him. His mother worries that one of these days he is going to get hurt.

  • Rachel hates going to the pool with her family during the summer. She can't stand to be out in the heat. When she does go, she sits in the shade. Her entire body seems to wilt when it is hot outside and she usually ends up with a stomach or headache.

  • Mary is hypersensitive to smell. Strong odors, even pleasant ones, bother her. When her mother is cooking, Mary usually stays in her room but even then the smells attack her. One morning she complained about the skunk smell but no one else noticed anything. Sure enough, when they left for school, there was a dead skunk in the road - but it was a few miles away from her home.

  • Frankie feels sick every time he rides in the car for more than a few blocks. He doesn't like amusement rides or even swinging on the swing. As a toddler, he cried anytime someone picked him up or swung him from side to side.

These are just a few examples of what sensory processing disorder can look like. As you can see, it shows up in many different ways and can look different in each child. There are seven sensory areas that can be affected:

  • 触碰

  • 听力

  • 视觉

  • 品尝

  • Smell

  • Movement

  • Body Awareness


Meet Our Writer

艾琳贝利is an award-winning author of six books on health and parenting topics and freelance writer specializing in health topics including ADHD, Anxiety, Sexual Health, Skin Care, Psoriasis and Skin Cancer. Her wish is to provide readers with relevant and practical information on health conditions to help them make informed decisions regarding their health care.