Top 5 Omega-3 Sources to Lower Cholesterol

byLisa Nelson, RD, LN Health Professional

If you've beenfollowing along, you know from the article"Get a Grip on Fatty Acids"that the right ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids promotes alower cholesterol.

The goal is not to cut omega 6 fatty acids (such as corn oil, beef, and chicken) completely from the diet, but to achieve a ratio of 4:1 or 1:1 omega 6 to omega 3.
In order to attain this ratio you need to increase your omega 3 intake.

Your options for doing this:

1. Eat fish at least twice a week.

If you like fish, this would be my first choice.
Fish contains DHA.
Research is starting to indicate health benefits linked to DHA alone.
Be aware of mercury content of fish, especially if you are pregnant.

2. Take a fish oil supplement

Start with the smallest bottle you can find and make sure you do not have the unpleasant side effect of burping with a fishy aftertaste.
Not everyone has this problem, so you may be fine.

To decrease likelihood of this problem I recommend taking the supplement and then eating.
That way, something is "on top" of the fish oil.
Fish oil has a tendency to go rancid, so keep supplement refrigerated, especially if you buy a bottle of 250 or more.

3. Flaxseed.

You can buy flaxseed two different ways - whole seed or ground.
In order for the body to utilize the omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseed must be ground.
If the flaxseed is not ground it passes straight through the body without being absorbed.
Flaxseed is high in fiber, so by ingesting whole flaxseed you have increased your fiber intake, which is beneficial, but if you grind your flaxseed you will have the added benefit of increasing your omega-3 fatty acid intake and lowering cholesterol.

Using a coffee grinder is a simple way to grind your flaxseeds.
Another option is to purchase flaxseed already ground.
Flaxseed has a tendency to go rancid, for this reason keep ground seeds refrigerated.
You can increase your intake by adding flaxseed to foods during preparation, such as spaghetti sauce, meatloaf, chili, hot cereal, muffins, pancakes, and yogurt.

4. Flaxseed oil supplement

Provides the omega 3 fatty acid ALA in a simple supplement.
ALA is not as effective as
DHA and EPA at lowering cholesterol, but still
results in an improved ratio of omega 3 to omega 6.
Again, may go rancid so refrigerate.

5. Add omega 3 nut and seed sources to your daily intake.

Especially walnuts, pumpkin seeds, Brazil nuts, and sesame seeds.
Nuts are high calorie, so watch your intake. If you gain weight, you're not doing your heart any favors

Be sure to sign up for the free e-courseHow to Lower Cholesterol in 8 Simple Stepsoffered by dietitian Lisa Nelson.

Meet Our Writer
Lisa Nelson, RD, LN

Lisa Nelson RD, a registered dietitian since 1999, provides step-by-step guidance to lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure, so you can live life and enjoy your family for years to come. Lisa's passion for health comes from her own family history of heart disease, so she doesn't dispense trendy treatments; Lisa practices what she teaches in her own daily life. Because her own health is the foundation of her expertise, you can trust that Lisa will make it truly possible for you to see dramatic changes in your health, without unrealistic fads or impossibly difficult techniques.