

经过Marjorie Korn. 卫生师



Our Pro Panel


Nereida A. Parada,M.D.爆头。

Nereida A. Parada,M.D.

Associate Professor of Medicine, Clinical Lead for Asthma and COPD



Paul Andrew Reyfman,M.D.爆头。

Paul Andrew Reyfman,M.D.


Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Chicago, IL

Byron Thomashow,M.D.爆头。

Byron Thomashow,M.D.

Professor of Medicine, Co-Founder and Senior Medical Advisor

Columbia University, COPD Foundation

New York, NY


Not always, but usually. About 75% of diagnosed cases are due to cigarettes. The other 25% are likely caused by exposure to secondhand smoke or other toxic chemicals due to your job or living with a smoker.






Absolutely, 100% no. Working your lungs plays a critical role in keeping them strong, and the stronger they are, the better equipped you will be to fight back against your COPD. It’s not easy, we know. Ask your doctor about pulmonary rehabilitation—a program that sets you up with an exercise routine that is tailored to your level and lung abilities, and will also provide you with breathing exercises so you can work on expanding your lung capacity.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the story of good lungs gone bad. When you have this condition, it feels as though there is something clogging up the airways to your lungs, making it impossible to suck in enough air and leaving you short of breath. There are more than 16.4 million Americans diagnosed with COPD, and the real number of people living with this condition is likely quite a bit higher, since many people don’t seek help until the disease has become severe. The late-stage diagnosis may also contribute to the 150,000 deaths from COPD every year.


  • Each lung is made up of something called bronchial tubes.

  • 这些管子分成较小的管,称为支气管素,如树木分支成较小的分支,甚至更小的分​​支,等等。

  • 支气管的末端被覆盖着alveoli, tiny air sacs that cluster together like grapes on a vine. When you’re healthy, your body has a whopping 480 million alveoli that function like new balloons—pliable and strong.

  • 当你吸气时,肺泡充满空气and separate out the oxygen. The oxygen then passes into your bloodstream via your capillaries, where it is transported to muscles and tissues that help you perform your daily functions.

  • After sending out oxygen, your capillaries then collect and expel carbon dioxide back into the alveoli. This carbon dioxide is released when you exhale, in a process known as gas exchange.



类型of COPD

Two of the most common are emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Let’s review what happen with these disorders.



Chronic Bronchitis




Smoking accounts for about 75% of COPD cases. The remaining 25% of people can attribute it to air pollution like secondhand smoke, ammonia, asbestos, and other chemical fumes. Some asthma sufferers are also diagnosed with COPD, and in this case, treatment can usually reverse the inflammation that causes narrowing in the lung’s airways.


Given how widespread COPD is, it would stand to reason that the symptoms of it would be fairly obvious. The problem is that there’s no singular indicator for the disease, and the most common signs can easily be mistaken for other respiratory illnesses.

For instance, that cough you’ve had on-and-off since Thanksgiving sounds like a cold you can’t kick. Feeling short of breath, especially when you’re exerting yourself climbing stairs or walking through an airport while pulling your luggage, can seem like a normal part of aging. And if you’re a smoker, you may chalk all the huffing and puffing up to your pack-a-day habit.


  • 你是40岁或以上

  • 您目前吸烟或有吸烟历史

  • 您暴露于生物质燃料(特别是与开放式火焰的烹饪相关的东西 - 影响全世界约有30亿人的东西)

  • 您的职业定期暴露于化学物质或污染

  • 一个亲戚被诊断为COPD

  • 你经常暴露于二手烟

What Are Other Risk Factors for COPD?

Along with these common denominators in people who get COPD, there are a few other things to consider.


遗传学:A small percentage of patients have a genetic predisposition to COPD and emerging research from Columbia University Medical Center in New York City suggests that certain people are born with narrower airway passages in their lungs, making them more susceptible to COPD.



  • Coughing:湿(生产粘液)或干咳是这种疾病的迹象。

  • Low energy:In some cases, particularly inthe early stages of COPD,你可能不那么意识到呼吸困难,但意识到你的能量是下垂的(因为你没有得到足够的氧气)。

  • 经常性呼吸道感染:Viral infections cause up to 30% of COPD flares, and people with the condition are more prone to them, thanks to their difficulty in clearing their lungs of bacteria, dust, and other pollutants

  • 气促:当你在运动过程中施加自己或其他强有力的运动时,你很可能会遇到这个,但是当你在半夜醒来时也可能发生。

  • 胸部紧绷:The proverbial elephant-sitting-on-chest comes to mind, as COPD can make it feel like there’s no room in your lungs to suck in the air.

  • 减肥:当你的身体必须工作10次比正常更难以为您提供足够的氧气来生活,你就比普通人更燃烧了更多的卡路里。夫妻认为,吃着自己可以让你缺乏呼吸,并且这种疾病的许多人都是由于这种疾病进展而有意外减肥的候选人。

  • Wheezing:A high-itched whistling noise may occur on either your inhale or exhale.

  • 加剧:During these instances, also called flares, you’ll notice one or more of these symptoms get worse for a few days at a time.


这是一个越来越多的问题:在不知道他们的不适的原因,许多未结社会的COPD的人恢复了触发呼吸急促的活动 - 即,运动和其他形式的体力劳累。这不知不觉地导致更多的麻烦,因为较少的运动削弱肺部,这使得它们更容易受到疾病的症状。因此,当时COPD患者最终在肺部学家的办公室中,症状已经进展到它们非常有限。

还有一些叫做“哮喘重叠”的东西,这是指很多哮喘的人也有一个COPD的组成部分 - 即使他们从未吸烟过。所有这些变量都让您呼吸的根源困难挑战。但不要放弃。你和你一个人知道你的能力(或缺乏它)呼吸是干扰你过全生活的能力。


Marjorie Korn.

Marjorie Korn.is a health, medicine, and features writer based in New York City. She is also a Narrative Medicine instructor at Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons.