
经过大卫门多瓦 病人倡导者

We have know多年来,许多糖尿病的人都有太少的镁在他们的身体中。那么为什么我们所有人都不采取这种神奇的矿物质的补充剂?

Everyone seem to recommend magnesium, mostly to reduce the insulin resistance and hence help counteract diabetes. But how much magnesium we have in our bodies is almost impossible to test, because most of it resides in our bones and very little in our blood, according to Dr. Barkat Charania in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. He practiced orthopedic surgery for more than 30 years, now blogs atBarkat Charania博士,并帮助我研究了这篇文章。


引用三这些研究足以马ke my point:

1"Magnesium deficiency is not uncommon among the general population: its intake has decreased over the years especially in the western world[emphasis added]。镁补充剂或静脉内输注可能有益于各种患病状态。特别兴趣是...糖尿病的镁状况。“这来自”镁:生理,临床和分析方面的更新“在Clinica Chimica Acta。

2参与者的心血管疾病,高血压和糖尿病的参与者的平均血清镁水平显着降低,而不是在没有这些疾病的那些中。这来自“血清和膳食镁与心血管疾病,高血压,糖尿病,胰岛素和颈动脉壁厚的关联:ARIC研究" in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.

3."A reduced intracellular magnesium content might contribute to the impaired insulin response and action which occurs in Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus." This comes from "Hypomagnesaemia in Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus is not corrected by improvement of long-term metabolic control“在糖尿病症。

即便如此,Institute of Medicinehas standard age- and gender-related recommended levels of magnesium. In its[膳食参考钙,磷,镁,维生素D和氟化物]the IOM sets the Recommended Dietary Allowances of magnesium for males 19 to 30 at 400 mg/d, males 31 and up at 420, females 19 to 30 at 310, females 31 and up at 320, and pregnant or lactating women somewhat higher.

更糟糕的是,几乎不可能告诉我们在我们的身体中有多少镁没有阻止某些所谓的当局,比如Celeste Robb-Nicholson,M.D.,主编,哈佛妇女的健康观察
from writing that "magnesium deficiency " is rare in the United States" and that we get most of the magnesium we need from "whole grains, legumes, and dark-green leafy vegetables."



在非常低的碳水化合物上获得足够的镁并不容易。一位记者最近给我写了一汤匙糖蜜,“由于镁中很高。”我回答说,由于果糖也很高,因此我在这里写的肝脏很难“果糖的麻烦。“Besides, it ranks only No. 135 in Nutrition Data's list of "镁中最高的食物。“

In The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living, which I reviewed here at "Low Carbohydrate Living,斯蒂芬Phinney和Jeff Volek建议服用腿部痉挛的镁,我当时遇到了腿部痉挛。除非腿部痉挛返回,否则他们将其推荐将其推荐仅仅20天即可占用20天。


当我写Phinney博士的建议时,他在购买其中一个的建议时,他送到了我的两个瓶子的Mag 64随后,我在Amazon.com上找到了“rising mag64。“

I have been taking two tablets daily ever since and now almost never have leg cramps. I am continuing to take this magnesium supplement to prevent the common leg cramps that I once had, because my diabetes indicates that I probably need more magnesium than most people, because I follow a very low-carb diet, and because of a chronic muscle weakness I have in my left leg. That started when I took statins many years ago and has never disappeared, although I am still hopeful that magnesium will eventually overcome this side effect of that drug.





David Mendosa是一名记者在1994年学习,他有2型糖尿病,他完全写道。He died in May 2017 after a short illness unrelated to diabetes。他写了数千件糖尿病文章,两本关于它的书籍,创造了第一个糖尿病网站之一,并发表了每月通讯,“糖尿病更新”。他非常低的碳水化合物饮食,A1C水平为5.3,BMI为19.8,使他的糖尿病在没有任何药物的情况下保持缓解,直到他的死亡。