
经过大卫门多瓦 病人倡导者

如果你读了my articles about diabetes here regularly, you might have noticed that I rarely cover four topics in the news:

  1. 了解糖尿病的原因。这并没有帮助us control it.

  2. Learning how to avoid diabetes. This comes too late for most of us.

  3. 阅读在试管中的巨大新药或治疗甚至最多两次试验。他们可能有一个十年左右的帮助,但不是现在。

  4. 担心糖尿病可能的并发症。这只是为我们的生活增加了更多的消极性。


今天我是第二次写作这些并发症,脂肪肝,以及如何防止它。我知道肝病可以是多么严重。我的妻子,凯瑟琳,有2型糖尿病,diedone and one-half years ago of liver failure.

About 20 percent of the general U.S. population has nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. From 50 to 70 percent of people with type 2 diabetes have fatty liver. The difference in those proportions is enough to convince me that having a fatty liver is a complication of diabetes.




Unless you can get a liver transplant, cirrhosis is fatal. Liver transplants may be available for people under 70 and my wife was only 69 when she died. But her doctor told her that her weight make a successful transplant unlikely, so she died.



现在,似乎一点运动可以将我们肝脏的脂肪水平逆转到40%。根据Johns Hopkins University医学院的身体健身专家的一项研究,根据一项研究所需的适量。

周五,研究人员在美国心血管和肺康复协会的年会上展示了他们的调查结果。Johns Hopkins Spokesperson发出了该研究的摘要,“运动培训减少了2型糖尿病患者的肝脂肪:”微软Word格式“的随机对照试验。因为我无法在线在线找到它,我在我的网站上发布了它。

The researchers divided 77 men and women with diabetes into two groups and measured the liver fat of 44 of the participants.


"When we started the study, we didn't plan to study hepatic fat," he replied. "But after we started, some of my colleagues persuaded me to include it."


The researchers put half of the study participants through a moderate program of sustained aerobic exercise consisting of three weekly 45-minute sessions. The participants could bicycle, run on a treadmill, or take brisk walks. In addition, they lifted stacked weights for about 20 minutes, also three times a week -- and not at a heavy-duty pace. They asked the other half of the participants to avoid any formal aerobic fitness or gym classes.


Until Dr. Stewart and his team does more studies, we can't tell how significant this is. He says his team's next steps will be to analyze the long-term effect of moderate exercise on diabetes.




David Mendosa是一名记者在1994年学习,他有2型糖尿病,他完全写道。He died in May 2017 after a short illness unrelated to diabetes。他写了数千件糖尿病文章,两本关于它的书籍,创造了第一个糖尿病网站之一,并发表了每月通讯,“糖尿病更新”。他非常低的碳水化合物饮食,A1C水平为5.3,BMI为19.8,使他的糖尿病在没有任何药物的情况下保持缓解,直到他的死亡。