
byKara Bauer Patient Expert

For years, possibly甚至千分之一,醋和/或苹果酒醋已被声称具有药物价值。判决仍然是关于研究是否可以备份这些索赔,但对于那些愿意给予替代和自然方法的尝试,苹果醋可能是解决一些健康问题的好方法。

I first heard about the benefits of apple cider vinegar for people with yeast infections or other fungal conditions such as Candida. According to Donna Gates, author of身体生态饮食, this vinegar can help promote healthy microflora in the gut, balancing the inner ecosystem. She also states that it can aid in digestion and stop sugar cravings, both of which are symptoms for those with an overgrowth of bad bacteria in the gut.

Apple cider vinegar has also been said to help with skin problems (such as acne), detoxify the body by cleaning the kidneys, cure allergies, help with upper respiratory infections, ease arthritis and stiff joints, eliminate acid reflux among others.

Even though many of these claims are not backed by research, there have been some studies done related to diabetes, high cholesterol, blood pressure, cancer and weight loss.

and a 2007 study cited on WebMD, both of which showed that apple cider vinegar lowers blood sugar levels.[4]

Limited further studies done on rats, which doesn't always equate to humans, have concluded that apple cider vinegar may lower cholesterol, potentially kill or slow the growth of cancer cells, and possibly lower blood pressure. One human-based study done in 2005 showed that apple cider vinegar could also support weight loss by helping one feel satiated sooner. As most agree, these are all preliminary studies, some of which have mixed results, and none of which are conclusive.[4]

It's important to point out that there are also studies that have produced negative results with excessive consumption of apple cider vinegar such as an increased risk of bladder cancer and damage to the esophagus.[4]

如果您选择使用Apple Cide醋来潜在的药用益处,您应该购买的唯一醋是未经高温消毒,原始(或冷压)和有机的。这不是您在日常超市中找到的干净醋。相反,这是一个朦胧的醋,你看到一种像叫做“母亲”的物质一样的蜘蛛网。
This vinegar is a twice-fermented product in which the sugars are broken down to first produce a cider and secondly a vinegar. Other varieties of "clean" apple or apple cider vinegar are often pasteurized, filtered, refined or distilled and don't contain the nutritional properties.

那么这些营养属性是什么apple cider vinegar beneficial? This is a tough question for many to answer as the quantity of nutrients it contains (vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, magnesium, pectin, amino acids, enzymes, etc.) shouldn't be nearly enough to make much of a difference. However, some experts say that the acetic acid is highly beneficial for two reasons. One is that it helps restore your body's pH, making it more alkaline and therefore less susceptible to disease. The other is that it could help with nutrient absorption, allowing you to get more from the foods you eat in close proximity to the vinegar. There also may be unidentified phytochemicals that contribute to its surprising health benefits.

Beyond internal human use, apple cider vinegar also makes a great cleaning agent and disinfectant for household use and/or removing pesticides from vegetables. It is also said to be a great beauty aid when used on the hair, skin and teeth. Many people also use it with their pets to reduce fleas when applied to the coat and also given in a diluted form internally.[2]


Gates, D. (2007, April 5).
Tohi, W. (2012, May 3)._Ten ways to use apple cider vinegar in DIY remedies.
Retrieved from

care.diabetesjournals.org "Vinegar improves insulin sensitivity to a high- carbohydrate meal in subjects with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes." Johnston, C. et. al.
糖尿病护理,January 2004:
vol. 27
no. 1

Webmd.com (No date).
Apple cider vinegar. Retrieved fromhttp://www.webmd.com/diet/apple-cider-vinegar.

Mercola, J. (2009, June 2).

Meet Our Writer
Kara Bauer

Kara wrote for HealthCentral as a patient expert for Food & Nutrition.