

This sexually transmitted在其后期阶段的疾病(STD)可引起精神障碍,失明和死亡,是由叫做Treponema Pallidum的软木塞形状的细菌引起的。


梅毒, which swept through Europe in a devastating epidemic during the late 15th century, is now readily treated with antibiotics.

梅毒, which is known as the great imitator because it mimics so many other diseases, is making its strongest comeback in 40 years in the U.S.. The surging number of cases reflects social and economic factor s like changing sexual habits; drug abuse, particularly trading sex for crack; rising rates of pregnancy among teenagers who do not use contraceptives to protect against infection, and declining support for public health services, which has limited tracing some cases.

Health officials are also deeply concerned about the links between syphilis and AIDS. The open sores of syphilis are believed to make it easier for the AIDS virus to enter the body.

感染是通过直接接触the sores of someone who has an active infection. Although the bacterium is usually transmitted through the mucous membranes of the genital area, the mouth, or the anus, it also can pass through broken skin on other parts of the body.






The first symptom of primary syphilis is a usually painless open sore called a chancre (pronounced "shanker"). The chancre can appear within 10 days to 3 months (usually 2 to 6 weeks) after exposure.


二次梅毒是由在Chancre消失后2到12周的任何地方出现的皮疹。皮疹可以覆盖整个身体或仅在几个区域中出现,例如手的手掌或脚的鞋底。由于这些疮中存在活性细菌,所以任何身体接触 - 性或无性 - 受感染者的破碎的皮肤可能会在这个阶段传播感染。

The rash may be accompanied by flu-like symptoms such as mild fever, fatigue, headache, sore throat, as well as patchy hair loss, swollen lymph glands throughout the body, and other problems. The rash usually heals within several weeks or months, and the other symptoms subside as well.




Late syphilis, the final stage, can lead to mental illness, blindness, heart disease, and death.


梅毒has sometimes been called "the great imitator" because its early symptoms are similar to those of many other diseases.

People who have more than one sex partner should consult a doctor about any suspicious rash or sore in the genital area. Those who have been treated for another STD such as gonorrhea should be tested to be sure they have not acquired syphilis.

There are at least three ways to diagnose syphilis: a doctor's recognition of its symptoms, microscopic identification of syphilis bacteria, and blood tests.

To diagnose syphilis by identifying the bacteria, the doctor takes a small amount of tissue from a chancre and has it examined under a special "darkfield" microscope.



The most common of the screening tests are the VDRL (Venereal Disease Research Laboratory) test and the rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test. More accurate blood tests specifically detect the patient's immune response to the syphilis bacterium. These tests include the fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption (FTA-ABS) test that can accurately detect 70 to 90 percent of cases.

Your physician may also recommendHIV testing







