Hepatitis C and Baby-Boomers: Am I At risk?

byNirah Johnson Patient Expert

What is Hep C?

Hepatitis C (Hep C) has been in the news a lot recently, but because it is not well understood, many remain unaware of their risk. Hep C is caused by a virus that is transmitted through blood. Hep C can lead to liver disease, liver cancer and liver failure.

Learn more about what Hep C does to the liver

Baby-Boomers and Hep C: Why are we at risk?

The majority of people with Hep C in the U.S. are Baby-Boomers: born between 1945 and 1965.Baby-Boomers may have been exposed to Hep C through:

  • blood transfusion before 1992

  • sharing injection drug use equipment (even once long ago)

  • military experience

  • other blood exposures such as using shared tattoo equipment or razors.

It's important to note that many people with Hep C do not know how or when they got Hep C.

I feel fine How can I be at risk for Hep C if I have no symptoms?

The majority of people with Hep C do not have signs or symptoms until late stages of disease. Common early signs and symptoms such as dark urine, fatigue and flu-like symptoms are easy to overlook. When the classic signs and symptoms of liver disease emerge, it can mean that liver disease has progressed.

It’s best to catch Hep C early.

知道你有丙肝的唯一方法是让tested. Hep C testing is a two step process.

1.First, you need the Hep C antibody test. This test detects whether you have ever been exposed to Hep C. If the Hep C antibody test is positive, it means that you have had Hep C at some time in your life.

2.Up to 25% of people clear Hep C on their own during the first six months of infection, so if you test antibody positive, you need to get the Hep C RNA (sometimes called PCR) test to find out if you have Hep C infection now. If this test is positive, it means you have Hep C.

Is the Hep C test covered by health insurance?

Because of the high rates of Hep C amongst Bab-Boomers, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the US Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) have recommended a one time Hep C screening for all Baby-Boomers. As a result of this official recommendation, the Hep C screening is covered by Medicare, Medicaid and most commercial health insurance plans. To learn more see the CDC Preventative Services Coverage Table and contact your health insurance plan.

Hep C can be treated and cured!

Knowing your Hep C status is important. If you know you have Hep C, you can get into care with a medical provider that specializes in Hep C care and treatment. And best of all, most people with Hep C can now be treated in less than three months with an all oral medication regimen with few side effects!

Learn more about Hep C Treatment

If you are a Baby-Boomer, born between 1945 and 1965, ask your doctor for the Hep C test at your next visit. Knowing your status gives you the opportunity to be treated and cured, which is an important step to protect your future health.

Nirah is a clinical social worker and public health professional who has been raising awareness about hepatitis C and liver health in NYC since 2007.She organizes the Hep Free NYC network in NYC.

Meet Our Writer
Nirah Johnson

Nirah Johnson, LCSW, Director of Program Implementation & Capacity Building NYC Health Department, Viral Hepatitis Program serves as the lead organizer of the NYC Hep B Coalition and Hep C Task Force since 2007.