
经过Eileen Bailey 卫生师

意识到你are at risk for an unplanned pregnancy is a scary experience. The time leading up to your next period can be filled with anxiety and worry. Thankfully,紧急避孕,有时被称为避孕药后早晨,显着降低了不需要的怀孕的可能性 - 特别是如果在不受保护的性行为之后不久。

How does the morning after pill work?





  1. 普洛斯汀只是:These pills contain only the hormone progestin. They are sold under the names Plan B One-Step, Next Choice One Dose, Take Action, My Way, and more. It’s available over-the-counter to anyone of any age.

  2. 腹股沟酸碱:Another option is a pill containing ulipristal acetate. It’s sold under the name “ella” in the United States and is available by prescription only.

  3. progestin plus雌激素:联合激素丸含有孕激素和雌激素 - 这些是您可以通过处方获得的典型的日常生药治疗丸。了解更多有关哪些品牌可用作紧急避孕的品牌以及如何从中使用普林斯顿大学人口研究办公室

无论您选择哪种选项,都应该在未受保护的性别后尽快采取。Plan B One-Step表明它应该被后72小时内性别;埃拉should be taken within 120 hours. But the sooner you take it, the better chance it works.


你可能会遇到一些与您的时期不规则紧急避孕后,但根据该月的情况Princeton University website for emergency contraception


你也可以notice some spotting服用药物后和下一个时期之前。您可能会注意到您的第一期比正常更轻或更重。这应该在下个月解决。


The most common side effects, according toPrinceton University, 包括:

  • 恶心。

  • 腹部绞痛。

  • Fatigue.

  • 头痛。

  • Dizziness.

  • 乳房柔软。

Around 20 percent of women experience vomiting after taking the morning after pill. If vomiting occurs within two hours of taking the medication, you should contact your doctor as it's possible that the medication was not absorbed and you'll need an additional dose. If vomiting occurs within one hour of taking the emergency contraceptive pill, it's generally recommended that an anti-nausea medication be given and the emergency contraceptive pill be given again.



  • 如果你在服用药物的两小时内呕吐。

  • 如果你的期限超过一周。

  • 如果你体验到严重的腹痛。

Are there non-pill options for emergency birth control?


Eileen Bailey

Eileen Bailey是一个屡获殊荣的六本关于健康和育儿主题和自由作家的屡获殊荣的作家,专门从事卫生主题,包括ADHD,焦虑,性健康,护肤,牛皮癣和皮肤癌。她的愿望是为读者提供有关健康状况的相关和实用信息,以帮助他们对其医疗保健做出明智的决定。