Moles vs. Melanoma: 8 Thing You Need to Know

by艾琳·贝利 Health Writer

Almost everyone hasat least onemole, with many people having anywhere between 10 and 40 moles on their body. Moles normally develop before the age of 20 but can also develop later in life. Most moles are not not cancerous but it is important to check moles, and any other spots on your skin, on a regular basis.Dermatologistsoften recommend you do a self-check on a monthly basis and see a dermatologist for a skin check annually. Those at high risk for skin cancer or with a history of skin cancer might need to see a dermatologist on a more regular basis.

Melanomais the most deadly form of skin cancer but early detection and treatment greatly increases the rate of survival. The best way of finding and treating melanoma early is to closely monitor your skin, noting any moles, any changes in the moles and any new spots. The following are things you should pay attention to when completing your monthly self skin-check

你痣的大小和形状。The following guidelines will give you an idea of what a "normal" mole looks like:

  • Smaller than
    ¼ inch - the size of a pencil eraser

  • Smooth borders

  • Generally round shaped

  • 颜色均匀——颜色可以从棕褐色到深棕色,但整个痣的颜色应该一致。暴露在阳光下,痣会变得更黑

  • Can be flat or elevated

The first time you do a skin check, you aren't going to be able to point out any changes in the size and shape of your moles, however, if you notice moles that do not match these guidelines, it is a good idea to have them checked by a dermatologist.

During your first skin check, you should note where your moles are and the size and shape of each so you can track any changes. It is a good idea to either draw a body diagram and mark where moles are or take pictures so you can compare from month to month. There are alsoapps这可以帮助你追踪任何皮肤变化。

In subsequent self-checks, pay close attention to whether a mole changes in color.Remember, sun exposure can make a mole darker. You are looking for drastic changes, such as a mole that was tan in color that has changed to dark brown. You also want to note if there are any moles that are inconsistent in color, for example, black in the middle with tan, white, red or pink around the outside.

Moles normally don't change in size or shape.鼹鼠通常是对称的,这意味着如果你沿着中心画一条线,两边看起来应该是一样的。如果你注意到一颗痣正在进化、生长或不对称,是时候和皮肤科医生谈谈了。注意你的痣的形状、高度和表面纹理,注意每个月的变化。

Moles are normally round in shape, although some can be oval shaped.They do have defined, smooth borders. When a mole is cancerous, the border may be irregular and the mole does not form a circle or an oval, but has a more ragged appearance around the edge.

Moles are painless.如果你有一颗痣在流血、渗出、瘙痒或触痛,这可能是黑色素瘤的信号。

Pay attention to any new spots on your skin.虽然摩尔可以develop at any age, you want to take note of any new spots so you can keep a close eye on them in the coming months. If you see a new spot that doesn't fit with the mole guidelines, you should check with your dermatologist.

Pay attention to any sores that don't heal.如果你有一个疮,仔细护理,清洁和使用抗菌霜,但它仍然无法愈合,那么你应该告诉你的医生。无法治愈的溃疡可能预示着癌症或癌症的高风险。

Moles are typically smooth to the touch.如果你的痣变硬、粗糙、有鳞或结痂,它可能是癌症,你应该尽快与医生交谈。

Remember, a family history of skin cancer puts you at higher risk of developing skin cancer, however, not everyone with skin cancer has a family history. Don't assume that because no one in your family has skin cancer that you won't either.


While skin checks are one part of protecting yourself against skin cancer, you also need to actively practice regular UV protection including using sunscreen of 30 SPF or greater, wearing wide brimmed hats, staying in the shade as often as possible between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM and wearing protective clothing.

Meet Our Writer

艾琳·贝利is an award-winning author of six books on health and parenting topics and freelance writer specializing in health topics including ADHD, Anxiety, Sexual Health, Skin Care, Psoriasis and Skin Cancer. Her wish is to provide readers with relevant and practical information on health conditions to help them make informed decisions regarding their health care.