

经过Hema Sundaram,M.D. 健康专业人士


近3000万people in the U.S. tan in tanning salons every year; on average, that's more than 1 million people a day who are baking themselves under tanning lamps. More than 70% of them are Caucasian females aged 16 to 49 years. The indoor tanning industry's revenues have increased fivefold since 1992, to about $5 billion.


每年有230万英青少年在美国访问晒黑沙龙。根据瑞典研究,你的年轻人在你开始室内晒黑时,你的风险就越大黑色瘤。A review of seven studies revealed that your risk of melanoma increases by 75 percent if you're exposed to tanning beds before the age of 35[1]。虽然世界卫生组织(WHO)呼吁青少年由于危险而被禁止从室内晒黑[7], only half of the states in the U.S. regulate tanning bed use by teens.

3. It's a Proven Danger

许多研究表明,暴露于紫外线(UV)光是黑素瘤的明确危险因素。使用晒黑床超过10次,让人们七次发育恶性黑素瘤比那些不经常使用晒黑的床。使用鞣制床的人偶尔使用鞣制床的人的风险增加了300%,对于每年超过10次的人使用鞣制床的80​​0%。FDA估计今年,大约38,000人将诊断为黑色素瘤。7,300人会死于这种情况。美国健康与人类服务部门名称紫外线辐射,从晒黑床和遮阳灯等人工来源,作为经过验证的致癌物质 - 癌症造成物质。



Sunlight contains different wavelengths of UV light. UVA rays penetrate deeper into your skin and cause tanning. UVB rays damage the more superficial skin layers and cause sunburn. Many tanning salons claim that indoor tanning is safe because you are exposed to more tanning UVA rays than burning UVB rays. Medical research disproves this claim. Skin cancer is certainly associated with sunburn from UVB rays, but scientists at the FDA and other respected institutions now have evidence that even moderate tanning due to UVA rays produces the same long-term skin damage as a sunburn, increasing your risk of skin cancer and premature skin aging, and damaging your immune system. UVA rays penetrate deep into your skin, causing significant destruction and loss of skin elasticity. UVA exposure is associated with an increased risk for squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma and melanoma.

5.室内晒黑T实际上可能更危险han the Sun

传统的晒黑床和阳光灯通常会耗尽由太阳发射的UVA光线的三倍。新的,高压Sunlamps发出uva和UVB光线的剂量,可以高达太阳的15倍。A U.K.研究发现,人体皮肤细胞暴露于鞣制床的实验室持续严重的DNA损伤与皮肤癌症发育相关的类型。晒黑的床也被证明导致晒伤,只有一个晒伤会使你发育皮肤癌的风险加倍。

Tanning salons claim that tanning is necessary to obtain sufficient quantities of vitamin D. In fact, it takes far less UV light to obtain the necessary amount of vitamin D than it does to get a suntan.


Beware of tanning beds Pretty much every scientifically accepted study shows the strong association of tanning beds with skin cancer.

  • Whitmore Se,Morison,WL,Potten CS,Chadwick C.晒黑沙龙暴露和分子改变。J Am Acad Dermatol2001;44:775-80.

  • Swerdlow AJ,Weinstock Ma。晒黑灯会引起黑色素瘤吗?流行病学评估。J Am Acad Dermatol1998年; 38:89-98。

  • Dellavalle RP,Parker Er,Ceronsky N,Hester EJ,Hemme B,Burkhardt DL等。青年访问法律:在晒黑的客厅的黑暗中?Arch Dermatol2003; 139:443-8。

  • Demierre MF. Time for the national legislation of indoor tanning to protect minors_. Arch Dermatol_ 2003;139:520-4.

  • Kwon HT,Mayer Ja,Walker Kk,Yu H,Lewis Ec,Belch Ge。促进室内晒黑设施频繁的晒黑课程:两项研究。J Am Acad Dermatol2003; 46:700-5。

  • Westerdahl J,Ingvar C,Masbacka。Jonsson N,Olsson H.与SunBeds的使用相关的皮肤恶性黑素瘤的风险:紫外线 - 一种致癌性的进一步证据。BR J癌症2000; 82:1593-9。

  • 弗朗西斯如此,Burkhardt DL,Dellavalle RP。2005年:新美国青年访问鞣制限制的横幅年份。Arch Dermatol2005; 141:524-5。

  • Gandini S等人。“皮肤黑素瘤风险因素的荟萃分析:阳光暴露。Euro. J Cancer。2005年1月;41(1):45-60。

  • 美国卫生和人类服务部,公共卫生服务,国家毒理学计划。报告致癌物,第11次ED:暴露在阳光下或日光浴床上。

  • karagas m等。使用晒黑装置和基底细胞和鳞状细胞皮肤癌的风险。“J Natl Cancer Inst。2002 February 6;94(3):224-6.

  • (Woollons, Clingen, Price, Arlett, & Green, 1997).

  • 人工紫外线(UV)光和皮肤癌研究中的癌症工作组研究机构“使用皮肤恶性黑色素瘤和其他皮肤癌的使用结合:系统审查。”int。j癌症:2007年3月1日; 120:1116-22。

Hema Sundaram,M.D.

Hema Sundaram,M.D., is a dermatologist based in Fairfax, Virginia, who wrote about skincare for HealthCentral.