Sleep Disorders

Learn about sleep disorders such as insomnia, narcoplepsy, and restless leg syndrome, including prevention tips, triggers to avoid, and drug information to help cure sleep problems.

More on Sleep Disorders

Girl asleep in bed
Children's Health

Sleep: What’s Really Enough?

A solid night of sleep is critical to cognitive, physical, and emotional development. Learn more about how much kids need—and how to make sure they get it.


Are Your Sleeping Pills Even Working?

Prescription sleep medications may not be the best option for getting consistent, quality sleep.

Woman sleeping with her phone in her hand
Sleep Disorders

New Sleep Apps and How They Can Help

Many applications or apps today target health and fitness goals. Among these are apps developed to specifically help with sleep disorders. Most sleep apps have a way of differentiating sleep state from wakeful state. This technology is called “accele...

good sleep
Dream Big—and Get There

Dream Big: Sleep 7 Hours (or More) Every Night

Tired of being...well, tired? We definitely understand; it's why we created this 4-week plan that will help you get some serious zzz's.

Woman yawning behind the wheel of a car
Sleep Disorders

Just How Sleep-Deprived Are You?

The amount of sleep you need may have little to do with the amount you actually get. Use our Sleep Diagnostic tool to determine whether you need more sleep.

CBD oil
Alternative Medicine

Can CBD Help You Sleep?

If getting a solid seven hours sounds like someone else’s dream, this alternative approach might help.

Smiling woman waking up refreshed and stretcing in bed.
Sleep Disorders

This Muscle Relaxation Trick Can Improve Sleep

Relaxation techniques are a great way to calm the mind and prepare you for sleep.

Man sleeping soundy
Sleep Disorders

Could This New Treatment Cure Your Insomnia?

Sending electrical currents through the brain can affect sleep — but can they cure insomnia?