6 Tips for Families Dealing With Schizophrenia

byAmanda Page Editor

Allow time to grieve

If a family成员或亲密的朋友与schizophr诊断enia and the symptoms are serious, it can feel as if you’ve lost a loved one. Giving yourself time to deal with feelings of frustration, anger, and fear will allow you to help other family members cope with their own negative emotions. The grieving process is critical to achieving acceptance and making plans for the future.

Don't forget about yourself

It’s important to not give up your own dreams, goals, hobbies, and friends due to a loved one’s diagnosis. You may want to jump right into the caregiver role, but it's often wiser to ease into changes and not let go of your own aspirations. Allow time for exercise, meditation, and other desirable forms of stress relief and relaxation.

Think of the family as a team

A diagnosis doesn’t need to fall on your shoulders alone. Focus on working cooperatively with members of your family, the new health care team, teachers, and other community members. Support is there for people who seek it, but the anxiety and fear that come with a diagnosis can make it easy to withdraw into seclusion.

Keep your emotions in check

Even if you are not the head of a household, your emotions can easily affect the rest of the family’s. Try not to be overly aggressive or critical, and avoid blaming your loved one for their schizophrenic behavior. Also, try to exhibit calm and soothing behavior towards the rest of the family.

Make a plan

Developing a plan with the rest of the family about coping with a relapse will help ease problems should one occur. Good preparation includes knowing the warning signs, monitoring medication, reducing stressors, eliminating alcohol, and having a safety net in place, such as a financial plan, a work plan, and a childcare plan, if necessary.

Consider counseling

Family therapy is a great option to help prevent relapse, build family cooperation, and help keep everyone’s emotions in check. The routine of meeting with a therapist and getting the whole family together will help ensure that everything stays under control.

Meet Our Writer
Amanda Page

Amanda was an editor and graphic designer for HealthCentral.