
byHolly Pevzner Health Writer

From childhood throughage 40, our skin churns out between 10 to 40 moles, which are basically clusters of pigmented cells (a.k.a. nevi). By and large, these moles are harmless. “It’s actually rare for melanoma to arise from a pre-existing mole,” says board-certified dermatologist Valerie M. Harvey, M.D., co-director of Hampton University Skin of Color Research Institute in Hampton, Virginia. Instead, 71% of melanomas appear as new spots, according to a 2017 study in theJournal of the American Academy of Dermatology. To be vigilant, “look out for new or changing moles and pay attention to moles that look distinct from the others,” says Dr. Harvey. Here, the tell-tales to home in on.

counting moles

Take Count

Having 50 or more moles is associated with an increased risk of developing melanoma (the most serious type of skin cancer), according to the American Academy of Dermatology, the National Cancer Institute, and other organizations. However, many people with melanoma don’t routinely have an increased mole count, a report inJAMA Dermatologyfound. Bottom line: If you have a lot of moles, you need to be on high alert, but those with fewer also need to pay attention to the following signs.

different colored moles

Consider the Color

Healthy moles are most often solidly tan, brown, or black. In contrast, “if a mole contains different colors, like shades of brown, tan, or black, that can be cause for concern,” says Anne Marie McNeill, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist in Newport Beach, California and member of The Skin Cancer Foundation. “Cancerous spots can also look red, pinkish, white, or blue.” Finally, note any moles that are darker or a different color than surrounding moles.

basal cell carcinoma

知道Color Isn’t Everything

Don’t overlook an odd spot just because the color isn’t troubling: At times, cancerous molescanbe the same color as your skin, such as in the case ofamelanotic melanoma. “And for people of color, if any brown spots are also glassy, that could indicatebasal cell carcinoma, which presents pink or pearly on fair-skinned individuals,” says Dr. Harvey.

asymmetrical mole

Examine Shape and Symmetry

Non-cancerous moles are generally round or oval in shape, while melanomas are often asymmetrical. (If you were to draw a line through the center of a mole and one half did not match the other half, that mole would be asymmetrical.) Does this mean all atypical moles are skin cancer? No. “But having these types of moles is a risk factor for developing melanoma and, unfortunately, there’s no way to tell for sure if a mole is atypical or cancerous without visiting your dermatologist, so it’s important to stay on the lookout,” says Dr. McNeill.

man itching

Beware of Pain or Itching

Often, skin cancer doesn’t cause any truly bothersome symptoms until the cancer has grown fairly large. That noted, about 28% of skin cancer lesions—usually non-melanoma skin cancers, likebasal cellandsquamous cell carcinoma—do involve pain and 37% are accompanied by itching, according to a study inJAMA Dermatology. However, “acral lentiginous melanoma, the most common subtype of melanoma in non-Hispanic Blacks, can be associated with pain, itching, ulceration, and bleeding,” says Dr. Harvey. Painful, itchy or tender spots that don’t feel better in a week’s time should be looked at by a dermatologist, advises the Skin Cancer Foundation.

uneven mole

Explore the Border

“When mole borders are uneven, jagged, or scalloped as opposed to smooth, that’s considered a warning sign of skin cancer,” says Dr. McNeill, who also notes that the appearance of skin cancers and atypical moles can vary greatly. In other words: “A cancerous mole may not check multiple warning-sign boxes,” she says. “So the most important thing is to look for anything new, changing, or unusual on your skin and get it checked by a professional right away.”

measuring mole

Assess the Size

In truth, a cancerous mole can be any size, but warning bells should for-sure sound if any lesion is a quarter inch in diameter or larger. That’s about the size of a pencil eraser. Another tell-tale: Any change in mole size, usually an increase. “Ideally, a dermatologist would catch a melanoma when it’s smaller, so if you’re concerned a mole is exhibiting any other warning sign, that’s a valid reason to get it checked,” says Dr. McNeill.

touching rough mole

Review the Texture

Check out the surface of the mole: Has it broken down at all? Does it look scraped or scaly? Is it hard or lumpy? Is it crusty? Is your mole elevated with a central depression? “All of these things may indicate skin cancer,” says Dr. McNeill. It’s smart totune into skin texture changeseven prior to any mole changes. The reason:Precancerous skin growths (actinic keratoses)start as rough-feeling patches or scaly bumpson the sun-exposed area of the body.

several moles

Identify an Ugly Duckling

Just because a mole is, well, ugly, doesn’t mean it’s cancerous. However, most normal moles on the body look alike. “Any mole that sticks out among the others on your body in any way, is an Ugly Duckling and should be examined further,” says Dr. McNeill. Perhaps the offender is bigger (or smaller) than the rest. Maybe it’s darker (or lighter) than your other moles. Or perhaps it’s the sole raised mark. No matter what, if it’s different, have a dermatologist check it out.

bandage on wound

Flag a Spot That’s Slow to Heal

Moles and skin spots can get scraped, bumped, and cut, but an otherwise healthy mole should heal quickly. “If it doesn’t heal within three weeks, that can be a sign of skin cancer,” says Dr. McNeill, noting that this includes melanoma, basal cell, and squamous cell cancers. That cancer warning holds true even if, say, the bleeding or oozing happens only occasionally; if the skin sore heals and then comes back; or if a scab develops and the scab takes a few weeks to heal.

mapping skin

Be Attuned toAnyVisible Change

A change in a mole’s shape, size, or color indicates that melanoma may be brewing, notes Dr. Harvey. An uptick in mole elevation raises red flags, too, since that suggests vertical growthbeneaththe surface of the skin. In fact, a new bump may point tonodular melanoma, the second most common type of melanoma,accounting for 10% to 30% of all cases. “Remember, skin cancer can resemble something as nondescript as a pimple or red patch, so it’s important to check your skin often and take note of all changes,” says Dr. McNeill.

Meet Our Writer
Holly Pevzner

Holly Pevzner specializes in creating health, nutrition, parenting and pregnancy content for a variety of publications, such asEatingWell,Family Circle,Parents, andReal Simple. Before becoming a full-time writer, Holly held senior staff positions atPrevention,Fitness, andSelfmagazines, covering medical health and psychology. She was also a contributing editor atScholastic Parent & Childmagazine. She resides with her family in Brooklyn, New York.