8 Ways to Prevent the Spread of Hepatitis C

byAllison Tsai Editor

Cover cuts and blisters

Covering cuts andblisterspreventsother people from coming into contact with your blood. Though risk of hepatitis C transmission in a household is near zero, it’s still good to take precautions.

Dispose of used bandages

Carefully dispose ofused bandages, tissues, tampons, sanitary napkins or anything else with your blood on it. Taking these extra measures will help prevent the spread of hepatitis C to others.

Wash your hands

Wash your hands thoroughly withsoap and waterif you have a cut or dried blood on you. In addition, make sure you do the same with any object that has come into contact with your blood.

Clean spilled blood

Clean any spilled blood on surfaces, including dried blood, with bleach and water. The cleaning solution should be one part bleach and ten parts water.

Nail clippers

Don’t share personal items

Personal care items, such asrazors, nail clippers and toothbrushes, could have blood on them, so it’s best not to share these items with anyone else.

Be aware when breastfeeding

Hepatitis C is not spread through breast milk, but, if your nipples are cracked and bleeding you should not continue breastfeeding your baby until they have healed. Once healed, you can continue breastfeeding.

Don’t donate blood

If you have hepatitis C you cannotdonate blood, sperm or organs for uninfected people. Though the U.S. does screen the blood supply, you still shouldn’t donate.

Seek drug treatment

If you are注入街头毒品, try to get into a treatment facility. If you continue to inject drugs, don’t share needles or equipment with anyone.

Meet Our Writer
Allison Tsai

Allison wrote for HealthCentral as an editor and producer for Allergy, Asthma, Cold & Flu, COPD, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Skin Care, Skin Cancer, and Sleep Disorders.