It’s perfectly understandable当你的关节感到僵硬和痛苦时,你想要做的最后一件事就是伸展你的身体。但科学否则说:事实上,如果你有类风湿性关节炎(RA),则伸展可以通过提高您的运动和流动范围,同时降低对疼痛的僵硬来说,延伸可以让您感觉更好。这是专家要说出伸展的好处的东西,以及如何正确做到,让你的身体放在疼痛缓解的道路上。
Stretching Prevents Muscle Shortening
Stiffness and reduced range of motion are hallmark symptoms of RA. The less you move and stretch the muscles surrounding your joints, the less likely your joints will maintain their full range of motion. Over time with RA, your surrounding muscles can shorten, making it that much harder to keep moving, according to researchers at the Harvard Medical School in Boston. Daily flexibility exercises can help you maintain your full range of motion so you can keep doing the everyday things you love.
Stretching Aids in Pain Reduction
生活在Ra的人经常描述他们的痛苦,不断存在。当疾病恶化时,被称为RA耀斑,关节疼痛是主要投诉之一。伸展已显示有助于ra疼痛。在一项研究中The Journal of Clinical Care,研究人员发现人们在raing 30分钟伸展的ra伸展,每周三次,只有一个月。
Stretching Does the Body Good
While the benefits of stretching are many, it’s also important to not overstretch your muscles and ligaments. With the exercises that follow, the goal is to stretch only to the point of tension, not pain. Your stretching movements should involve slow and constant motion that is held in the final position for 15 to 30 seconds, according to the American College of Sports Medicine. Repeat each exercise three to four times, then go on to the next.
瑜伽姿势,鼓励你抬起,of painful joints can be helpful, says Ibex. Stand with your feet together or about six inches apart. Place your arms at your sides. Gently sweep your arms out to the side and then up overhead. Let your palms face each other and intertwine your fingers if possible. Exhale as you press your left hip to the side and bend your upper torso to the right. Gently hold and come back to center. Repeat in the other direction. Sweep your arms back down to the sides of the body.
Laura Brunnhoelzl, a Crossfit trainer and movement and mobility coach from Vitality Fitness in Concord, NC, suggests this arthritis-friendly stretch: To begin, lie flat on your back. Outstretch your arms to each side from your body. Bend right knee and gently bring right leg across your body, allowing your right hip to leave the ground. Move right knee towards the ground on the left side of your body, while gently twisting your torso to the right as far as comfortable. To modify, use a yoga strap to help guide your foot and maintain a comfortable range. Repeat on opposite side.
This stretch from Brunnhoelzl helps relax lower back and abdominal muscles. Lie on a mat, face down. Place your hands under your shoulders, next to your body. Gently press your hands into the floor and straighten your arms, raising your torso off the ground. Feel the stretch, then return to the floor. To modify, instead of placing your hands on the ground, place your forearms next to your body and gently press up to your forearms.
RA usually starts in the small joints of the hands and feet with at least 70% of people with RA reporting hand and wrist dysfunction. Finger stretches can be very helpful, says Aundra Anderson, a certified personal trainer in Centreville, MD. “Start by placing both hands palms facing down on a surface in front of you, with your fingers spread wide,” she says. “One at a time, including your thumb, life each digit as high as you comfortably can toward the back of your hand. Return each finger to the table and repeat.”
Pain Reduction:Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology。(2017)。“类风湿性关节炎的疼痛机制。”pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28967354/
Pain Reduction:Journal of Clinical Care and Skills。(2020)。“唯一反射疗法按摩对类风湿性关节炎患者疼痛严重程度的比较。”jccs.yums.ac.ir/browse.php?a_id=79&sid=1& slc_lang=fa.
Range of Motion:哈佛医学院。(2016)。“伸展以帮助关节炎疼痛。”health.harvard.edu/pain/stretching-to-help-arthritis-pain
全身:American College of Sports Medicine. (n.d.) “Resources for the exercise physiologist.”acsm.org/docs/default-source/publications-files/acsm-resources-exercise-physiologist-download.pdf
入门:American College of Sports Medicine. (n.d.) “Resources for the exercise physiologist.”acsm.org/docs/default-source/publications-files/acsm-resources-exercise-physiologist-download.pdf