Metastatic Melanoma: 7 Reasons You Need a Second Opinion

你已经被诊断出来了withmetastatic melanoma. You may feel a sense of urgency to start treatment immediately and forego a second opinion. But it’s OK to take a moment to breathe, and understand this: there’s usually time between your diagnosis and the start of treatment to see another doctor and confirm what you’ve learned from your primary health professional. Talking to more than one doctor can ease your mind, as well as help you sort out your options. Here are the major reasons to call a second pro, and how to go about it.

您的医生可能会提出治疗建议,但您可能希望听到不同的角度。了解所有治疗方案以及他们的优缺点,可以帮助您提出知情决策。尝试与专门癌症中心的人交谈,以填补您的最新技术和研究。纽约市的Erika Schwartz,M.D.1,即使您最终与您的原始医生接受治疗,也可以成为理解您的护理的可能性。施瓦茨博士说:“提前写下问题,谈论你周围的恐惧,”施瓦茨博士说。
If you have a rare or unusual cancer, such as desmoplastic melanoma or acral lentiginous melanoma, you may want to talk to a doctor familiar with this type of cancer. Often, Dr. Schwartz notes, your doctor may take the initiative, referring you to a specialist for a second opinion. If they don't, ask for a referral!

Some health insurance companies actually require their members to get a second opinion before they will pay for certain treatments, such as major surgery. In medicalandmoney matters, it's definitely best to be safe, so whatever your diagnosis, make a call to your carrier to see if a second (concurring) opinion is needed. Your bank account will thank you.

转移性黑色素瘤的临床试验offer a way to try new medications and treatments that aren't yet available to the general public. You may want to talk to a doctor at a facility that offers, or is involved in, clinical trials for metastatic melanoma. Tell your doctor if this is something you're interested in, and they'll be able to start the ball rolling.


先跟你的医生谈谈(不,他们不能pset with you) and ask for recommendations for a second opinion. As Dr. Schwartz mentioned, a doctor might proactively suggest a second opinion, particularly if you should see someone who specializes in your type of cancer. Then call your insurance company and ask if you're limited to doctors in your network. Request a list of specialists in your area (or beyond, if you’re willing to travel). Next, contact a local cancer center that specializes in your type of cancer and ask for reccs. Or call a medical society or advocacy group for melanoma and ask which doctors in your area they recommend.

Documents to Bring with You to Your Second Opinion Visit
- List of all drugs and medications
- Copies of pathology reports
- 手术报告副本
- 医院排放文件和治疗综述
- Summary of doctor’s current treatment plan

How to Gather Those Documents
Prior to your second-opinion appointment, call your current doctor's office and request that your records are sent to the other doctor. You may need to contact the medical records department of the hospital where you had surgery for any discharge papers. You should also call your pharmacy and request that they print out a list of your current medications for you to bring to the appointment.
Eileen Bailey是一个屡获殊荣的六本关于健康和育儿主题和自由作家的屡获殊荣的作家,专门从事卫生主题,包括ADHD,焦虑,性健康,护肤,牛皮癣和皮肤癌。她的愿望是为读者提供有关健康状况的相关和实用信息,以帮助他们对其医疗保健做出明智的决定。