Exercise Helps Throughout the Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Journey

Most cancer patients能够reap benefits from exercise, and non-small cell lung cancer patients are no exception. Indeed, research has shown that lung cancer patients enjoy具体福利from working out, including relief from fatigue, improved survival rates and quality of life, decreased side effects from cancer treatments and surgery, and less anxiety.

Lung Cancer Can Pose Exercise Challenges
Because the lungs are so integral to exercise, lung cancer patients may have a unique set of challenges when beginning or re-starting to exercise. Lung cancer patients tend to havelower fitness levels than average adults,但运动可以改变这一点。请务必使用您的护理团队讨论您的锻炼计划,并查看这些提示以让您追踪。

Exercise at any point of your lung cancer journey can be beneficial, but research shows that在肺手术之前和之后锻炼可以帮助improve outcomes.运动有助于高级肺癌患者进行化疗,too. (Yes, this means there is really no bad time to exercise!)

If you worked out a lot pre-cancer, start fresh; don’t hold yourself to old expectations. Instead, let your body dictate what it can do. TheDana-Farber Cancer Institute recommends从易于好氧会话开始,短至5到10分钟。考虑行走,骑自行车或游泳。如果您只能在开始时只能管理几分钟,请考虑每天多次执行这些短暂的爆发。

Aerobic Exercise, Built Up Slowly, Improves Lung Capacity
It may seem contradictory, butaerobic exercise helps most lung cancer patients, even if you have trouble breathing when you’re just resting. For aerobic activity that relies on gulping air, the key is to start slowly and build. If you weren’t active prior to your cancer treatment, consider light walking. If you have athletic experience, modify your activity or sport. Don’t overdo it, but do build up as your body allows.

Strength trainingis helpful in regaining any muscle strength that may have been lost due to lung cancer symptoms or treatment. As with aerobic training, make sure to set short-term, achievable goals for strength training. Bonus: strength training can help your balance and posture as well.

Breathing Techniques Improve Respiration and Relaxation
呼吸是行使的基础,和learning new breathing techniques可以帮助缓解肺癌治疗的副作用。例如,肺癌患者通常通过在呼吸时使用其他肌肉来补偿弱膜肌。膈肌呼吸可以帮助加强隔膜和腹部肌肉,使胸部肌肉有机会休息。和放松呼吸方法可以帮助您管理压力和焦虑。

Stretching Helps Improve Breathing and Range of Motion
Gentle stretching is对肺癌患者的双重重要. First, it can help boost lung capacity and loosen the chest muscles to allow for deep breathing. Second, radiation can result in tight muscles, and stretching can restore the range of motion you enjoyed before treatment.

Good Posture Increases Lung Capacity
Another way to maximize your breathing: keep your shoulders and chin back. It’ll encourage deep breathing, and it’s especially important if you sit a lot,according to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Yoga can also help improve posture and foster improved breathing.

Lung Cancer Side Effects Require Caution
当然,肺癌患者还需要谨慎行事。如果你有严重的贫血,一个受损的免疫系统,严重疲劳或平衡问题,请先检查身体治疗师,运动生理学家或私人教练,American Lung Association advises. In fact, it’s best for any lung cancer patient to start out with a professional in a safe environment.

Check Out Fitness Classes Designed for Cancer Patients
The American College of Sports Medicinecertifies cancer exercise trainers. Look for cancer-specific classes led by these trainers at community centers, theYMCA, YWCA, or your local gym.
Sheila Mulrooney Eldred is a graduate of Columbia’s School of Journalism and a former newspaper reporter. As a freelance health journalist, she writes about everything from life-threatening diseases to elite athletes. Her stories have appeared in The New York Times, Nature, FiveThirtyEight, Pacific Standard, STAT News, and other publications. In her spare time, she and her family love running, cross-country skiing, and mountain biking in Minneapolis.