What Your Gender Means for Your Rheumatoid Arthritis
Remember when the医学界并不承认疾病的性别差异,因此女性基本上被视为“小型男性”,他们只是需要较小剂量的相同药物?幸运的是,对于类风湿性关节炎患者(以及,嗯,其他人),科学已经走了很长的路要走。专家现在意识到类风湿性关节炎(RA)的一些重要性别差异,从而开始这种自身免疫性疾病在女性中的可能性比男性更容易。了解有关差异的更多信息,并加上他们的待遇和预后的意思。
Gender and Age Play a Role in RA
While women are three to four times more likely to develop RA overall, the disparity is muted in younger and older patients. “Rheumatoid arthritis has three peak ages: We see a peak in younger people around 30, then again around 50, and then there’s another peak of elderly onset RA that affects people in their 80s,” says Howard L. Feinberg, D.O., a professor of rheumatology at Touro University California College of Osteopathic Medicine. “The higher ratio of women to men with RA is in that 50s peak age group, which is also the most common group that gets arthritis.”
“思想是雌激素可能导致类风湿性关节炎的发病率增加以及妇女的其他自身免疫疾病,虽然我们尚未知道如何,”德克萨斯州休斯敦风湿病学中心的风湿病学家。“雌激素可以为疾病表现出一种有利的环境。”然而,棘虫单独解释一切 - 毕竟,ra确实发生在男性和绝经后妇女中,其雌激素水平显着降低。“我们怀疑环境triggerssuch as smoking or certain viral infections are also at play,” says Dr. Feinberg.
一种Woman’s Risk Fluctuates Through Her Life
It seems to change in tandem with the flux of hormones she experiences, says Dr. Bose, though again the connections aren’t fully understood. For instance, the risk of developing RA is lower during pregnancy, when estrogen and progesterone levels are higher, and among women who breastfed for at least a year. On the flip side, RA risk rises after delivering a baby, and it’s higher in women who began menstruating at an early age, have an irregular cycle, or have never given birth. Finally, the risk goes down in postmenopausal women.
Planning for Pregnancy Is Key
If youRA,决定尝试有一个孩子,先和你的医生交谈。“对于女性来说,如果你有活跃的疾病,不建议怀孕,所以我们劝告它,”博士博士说。“我们只有一些安全的药物,如低剂量泼尼松和羟基氯喹,可在怀孕期间使用;其他人必须在未来几个月停止。“一种common RA medication称为甲氨蝶呤可以减少精子数量;男人应该在试图怀孕之前一个月停止服用它。甲氨蝶呤和RA药物leflunomide(arava)是非常胎毒性的,并且应该在考虑怀孕的任何患者中避免所有费用。苏氟碱也可以降低男性的精子计数。
有证据表明,即使他们的疾病水平相同,ra对女性的经验比男性更痛苦,但专家正试图了解差异的来源。“男人和女人可能会用不同的症状,”Bose博士说。“女性往往是更多的声乐;男人可以更具抵抗开放,他们通常会遭受痛苦。“这也是患者个人和医学史的功能。“在有很多的人抑郁症或焦虑- - 译文或女人 - 他们的痛苦会很高。“
Women With RA Have a Higher Risk of Osteoporosis
In general, the男性和女性的骨质疏松症风险较高, thanks to elevated levels of inflammatory cytokines, small immune-cell proteins that also cause bone to wear away, says Dr. Bose. What’s more, steroids—a common RA treatment—can cause bone loss. But women overtake men after menopause, when their chances of getting osteoporosis naturally climbs, due to a significant drop in the levels of bone-building estrogen. This means postmenopausal women who have RA are especially vulnerable to bone loss and fractures.
“Just having RA is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease due to increased inflammation,” says Dr. Bose. But younger men are at a higher risk than premenopausal women. “They tend to have other risk factors, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and weight gain.” Conversely, if you’re a premenopausal woman with RA, your higher levels of estrogen help to protect you from increased heart risks. “However, this protection will disappear in the decades after menopause, and at some point, the woman’s risk becomes the same as a 70-year-old male’s,” says Dr. Bose.
Gender Differences and Disease:Pharmacy Practice。(2016). Women’s involvement in clinical trials: historical perspective and future implications.10.18549 / pharmpract.2016.01.708
未经许无常和ra:关节炎护理与研究。(2014). Effect of Age at Menopause on Disease Presentation in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: Results From the Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort.doi.org/10.1002/ACR.22494
女性的荷尔蒙和ra:风湿病学。(2017). The Role of Female Hormonal Factors in the Development of Rheumatoid Arthritis.doi.org/10.1093/rheumatology/kew318
男女与RA的差异:BMC医学。(2009). Sex Differences in Rheumatoid Arthritis: More Than Meets the Eye.10.1186/1741-7015-7-12
Experience of RA Among Men and Women: Karolinska Institutet. (2019). Gender Differences in Experience of Rheumatism.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2008-09/ki-gdi091208.php.
克林·戈尔尔是一个长期的专用健康和健康编辑和作家。她是前任主编瑜伽杂志,并曾在众多屡获殊荣的杂志上工作,包括Self,Redbook, 和Psychology Today。她贡献了几个网站,包括斯巴达,谢涅克斯和博士和夫利夫利。