How to Get Over Your Lung Cancer Guilt

经过Linda Rodgers 卫生师

如果你是A.当前或前吸烟者,这可能发生在你身上:你告诉患人患有肺癌,他们反过来询问你的吸烟习惯。“作为一个社会,我们在休斯顿MD安德森癌症中心的胸部和心血管手术助理教授Mara Antonoff说,我们对吸烟和肺癌之间的相关性比我们患者更加严厉。”因此,许多人患有吸烟史的肺癌感到羞辱,这并不奇怪。



What's more, the stigma facing lung-cancer patients correlates with alower quality of life据加州大学旧金山大学的研究人员称,更多的抑郁症和焦虑。那就是reallynot fair. Keep reading to learn how to let go of guilt and focus on what really matters: your health.



So your particular lung cancer might have more to do with the chemicals you've been exposed to at work, for instance. And since you don't know for sure and neither does your oncologist, stop beating yourself up—and move on to the next item on this list.

overhead view of two people talking outside


由于没有人能确切地知道导致你的癌症是什么,所以是时候教育他们认为的人。当有人问你是否吸烟,回答,“是的,我做了。你为什么要问?'这使得提问者对防守,并让您控制对话,“纽约城南康纳米德拉康卡康卡康马拉德康涅狄格州的肺癌计划协调员Winfield Boerckel,这是一个支持患者及其家庭的国家非营利组织。

Boerckel says this strategy empowers you to do what’s next: Enlighten folks on the various ways people can get lung cancer. Case in point: Radon gas is the second-leading cause.

hand putting out cigarette in ashtray

Redirect Negative Feelings

Dr. Antonoff tells her patients: "There's nothing we can do about the past. Let's focus our energy on what we can do moving forward." What does that mean for you? First, stop smoking (or don’t restart) so you lower the chances of developing another cancer or complications associated with treatment. Then...

sneakers walking


Eat a healthy diet. In particular, get lots of protein to speed healing after surgery and maintain muscle mass during chemo and radiation, Dr. Antonoff advises. Another one of her recommendations:每天都在散步确保你尽可能强壮的治疗。

"The people who feel the guiltiest are often the ones who say, ‘I'm going to do everything I can now because I want to be around for my family.'" That guilt may not be warranted, but using it for something positive sure is.


Find Your Tribe

Developing any cancer is isolating—but because of its stigma, lung cancer is a "deeper, smaller, tighter box," says Boerckel. Joining a support group puts you in contact with people going through the same thing, and can help you move on.




Your first priority is getting better. But once you do, you may want to think about joining some sort of advocacy group, like LUNGevity. You can lobby or fundraise for new treatments or research. Or simply get involved in a lung-cancer walk to raise money and awareness.

“这是类似于加入一个支持小组,虽然a little less formal,” says Boerckel. And your help is needed: Lung cancer is the leading cause of deaths by cancer for both men and women, but compared to, say, breast cancer, it’s inadequately funded, says Dr. Antonoff. That’s partly because many organizations that normally would get involved with a fundraiser shy away because of the stigma.

family therapy

Encourage Family Members to Find Support, Too

如果你的伴侣或孩子乞求你在过去停止吸烟,而且你没有,他们可能会生气或怨恨。根据加拿大飞行员的说法,您现在不需要立即不需要的紧张局势 - 以及可以引发抑郁症和抑郁症的可能性涉及八对夫妇并在期刊上发表的研究,Current Oncology. Better for family members to work through all their emotions by joining a caregivers group or going to counseling, says Boerckel. And better for you: The higher your sense of shame, the more alienated you'll feel from your partner at a time when you need the most support, researchers found.

Stay In the Moment


两个策略有助于:有一个口头或短语,可以将你的重点带回今天,或者在你感觉最脆弱的地方时使用引导图像来进入安全的地方。“I worked with one fellow who’d snap a rubber band on his wrist," says Boerckel. "When I asked him whether that hurt, he said, ‘Yeah, but it's today's pain,’ and explained that it helped him work on the things that he had to do today." For meditation specifically geared with cancer patients, well, there’s an app for that: CancerCare’s Meditation.

Linda Rodgers

Linda Rodgers is a former magazine and digital editor turned writer, focusing on health and wellness. She's written for读者文摘工作母亲底线健康和各种其他出版物。当她没有写作健康时,她写了宠物,教育和养育。