如果是银屑病关节炎看起来很痛苦,你是对的。但真正的不适超过皮肤深。爱游戏KG百家乐大多数有银屑病关节炎(PSA)的人患有厚,红色,鳞片状的皮肤 - 牛皮癣的签名症状 - 大约10年在他们的关节开始疼痛,膨胀或加强之前。也就是说,您可以在不具有牛皮癣的情况下开发PSA,并且有时会在斑块之前出现联合肿胀。
Spotting inflammation ASAP is key: Delaying treatment by as little as six months can result in permanent joint damage, according to a study in血清疾病的血清。但银屑病关节炎的样子究竟是什么样的,特别是在早期阶段?阅读。
根据关节炎基础,PSA是一种关节炎的一种关节炎,其影响皮肤状况牛皮癣的大约30%的人。这两种情况都是自身免疫疾病,这意味着免疫系统错误地攻击了身体的部位 - 在这种情况下,皮肤和关节。
当第一次出现条件时,PSA的人可能会注意到它们的关节贴在关节附近的斑块。,肘部,膝盖 - 尽管没有联合疼痛。局部乳霜,口服和可注射的药物,光疗和瑜伽等互补疗法可以帮助消除或减少皮肤病变。
Swollen Fingers
Even major medical sites refer to these as “sausage fingers,” but let’s agree to agree it’s a bit mean (and a pretty weird visual). Psoriatic arthritis often makes fingers and toes swell, according to the Mayo Clinic, before you feel pain or stiffness in your joints. It often happens in multiple fingers and toes at the same time, but not always.
If you notice swelling, particularly if it affects multiple digits simultaneously, see your doctor. Both over-the-counter NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen) and prescription corticosteroids can reduce the inflammation.
Sometimes, it’s not your whole fingers that puff up. Sometimes, psoriatic arthritis causes inflammation and stiffness just in the joints near the ends of the fingers and toes, which is called distal psoriatic arthritis.
This form of PsA looks kind of like类风湿关节炎(a similar condition except people with RA don’t get skin plaques), but there’s one easy way to tell the difference. That brings us to...
钉子的变化 - 例如点蚀(钉子中的微小凹陷)和白色斑点 - 与银屑病关节炎常见,但在风湿性关节炎的人中不发生。
事实上,一些研究人员认为,根据国家牛皮癣基金会的说法,手指的小型,每天的创伤都可以引发异常的免疫反应和触发PSA。Sounds scary, but don’t go canceling that kickboxing class: A causal relationship is not yet proven—in other words, scientists can’t say for certain whether you’re at a higher risk because you’ve, say, jammed a finger or dislocated a joint.
大约20%的银屑病关节炎将开发银屑病脊柱炎,一种形式的病症,导致颈部和脊柱不适。早期症状包括腰部或臀部的疼痛或僵硬,according to the Mayo Clinic。But…back pain could mean a million things, right? The type associated with PsA often occurs after waking up or getting up after periods of inactivity.
Poor Posture
如果脊柱炎的炎症不受控制,它可能导致一个已知的病症爱游戏ayx下载 ,椎骨完全融合并导致驼背姿势和疼痛,如果你试图挺直。
几个OTC和处方药物可以治疗病症,包括NSAID和处方肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)抑制剂,其阻断蛋白质引起身体炎症的蛋白质。研究发表于期刊Arthritis and Rheumatologyin 2019suggests immunotherapy may also be an option for the 30 to 40 percent of patients who don’t respond to TNF-alpha inhibitors.
关节炎异常-A.K.A。“歌剧玻璃手”或“伸缩手指” - 是最严重和最具破坏性的PSA形式。它影响了大约5%的患者,在骨骼开始消失时导致脚趾和手指末端的小关节中的衰弱。如果您开发银屑病性关节炎的蛋白质,矫直或弯曲受影响的关节可能变得不可能。然而,一项研究发表在皮肤病学杂志表明TNF-α抑制剂可以帮助防止永久性接头损坏。
风湿病疾病研究: Fitzgerald O, et al. (2015). Diagnostic delay of 6 months contributes to poor radiographic and functional outcome in psoriatic arthritis.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24525911.
Swelling in Fingers (and Toes!): Mayo Clinic. Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms and Causes.https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/psoriatic-arthritis/symptoms-causes/syc-20354076
强直性脊柱炎: Mayo Clinic. Ankylosing Spondylitis Symptoms and Causes.https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases -conditions/ankylosing-spondylitis/symptoms-causes/syc -20354808
药物和皮肤病学研究: Qureshi, AA., et al. (2009). Follow-up of psoriatic arthritis mutilans patients treated with anti-TNF-alpha therapy.皮肤病学杂志,8(4)。https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19363860
Tracy Middleton是一个获奖的作家,编辑和内容战略家。她拥有20多年的经验,涵盖出版物的健康和健康,包括女性健康那Men’s Health那大都会那《读者文摘》那and癌症今天。When she’s not wordsmithing, you can find her at the gym, on her yoga mat, or baking with her two daughters.