Managing UC Flares: Here’s What Works

Oh, that familiarfeeling … It’s your ulcerative colitis (UC) acting up. The symptoms are numerous—frequent and/or urgent bowel movement, diarrhea, blood in your stool, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, weight loss—and while they can vary, they amount to the same thing: You’re in a flare. Maybe you’ve been in remission for a while, (or not), but UC symptoms are never fun no matter when they happen. We asked the experts what you can do to manage (or even help prevent) a flare with UC. Here’s what they said.

Take Your UC Meds!
帮助耀斑的最佳方式是从未有过。您如何防止它们 - 或帮助缓解已在进行中的症状?“不要延长你的药物或[扣留]它,”阿什坎法哈迪,M.D.,纪念谷,加利福尼亚州的纪念科橙色海岸医疗中心。即使您没有症状,您仍然需要接受它以保持湾的状态。然而,生活发生了,所以如果你错过了一剂或者说,你是在度假且忘记它,就可以尽快拿走它,博士博士说。

Make Less Stress a Priority
Another way to help prevent a flare or intercept one that’s already begun? Destress. “There’s a lot of research on the role of stress in this condition,” Dr. Farhadi says. Like a recent study inFrontiers in Pediatricswhere researchers found that stress might promote relapses in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). “In a stressful moment, have in mind that all measures to manage stress are very important,” he says. He recommends finding your own best way to manage stress. The next slides offer a few options to try.

Do Gentle Exercise
“运动是最好的压力扩散器。因此,对于所有患者来说,我建议您有规则的锻炼计划,“Farhadi博士说。Crohn的&Colitis Countround表示,低冲击运动不会强调您的关节或危险的伤害,让您的心脏抽。游泳,瑜伽,椭圆形和划船,是扎实的健身房选择。Farhadi博士建议在没有分心的情况下快速走路至少30分钟(这是not拔出手机的时间)。尽可能快地走路。“这是散步,让你的系统调整,改善......血流。所以基本上,你重新启动了你的想法,“他说。

Prioritize Sleep
根据Farhadi博士的说法,获得良好的喇叭性是另一种帮助您的身体防止或抚慰UC爆发的方法。“很多研究表明,睡眠在这种情况下非常重要,”他解释道。最近的一个published inScientific Reports, says that sleep quality in IBD patients is associated with mood, disability, and quality of life. It’s also been investigated as a possible marker of subclinical inflammation, which might be contributing to UC. Learn to practice good sleep hygiene: Get up/go to bed the same time each day. “Have a regular schedule and stick to it,” he says. You can deviate from it occasionally, but try not to, too often.

UC耀斑预防不起作用吗?这就是普罗瓦夫A. Bedford,M.D.Ive of Providence Saint John's Health Center,CA的胃肠学家。“有时候,坦率地说,无论我们做什么,无论如何,你都会耀斑,无论发生什么事,就指出了。UC是一种自身免疫性疾病,意味着身体的免疫系统正在攻击大肠。我们不知道这一切的所有原因,所以有时耀斑可以随时让我们惊喜,因为看似没有原因。使和平与这种情况有所帮助,并积极主动寻求治疗以缓解症状。

以下是轻度疾病的方法 - UC治疗通常是口服药物和中度至严重疾病,通常是生物学。但是,泽西市医疗中心的胃肠科学家,泽西市,泽西市,泽西市,Jersy City,Andrew Boxer,M.D。或者你可能有感染。这两种情况都可能导致UC耀斑。所以他说,这是你在遇到症状时告诉你的医生的关键。“如果早期捕获耀斑,治疗可能有助于停止爆发,”拳击手博士解释道。


贝德福德博士说,避免在火炬中避免乳制品和纤维可能会带来缓解。此外,低残留饮食can sometimes assist. This means eating more refined grain products like white breads, cereals, and some pastas; mashed potatoes; and apple sauce while avoiding foods like whole grain breads, whole grain cereals, and whole grain pastas. It also means no fresh fruits or vegetables (especially broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts), Dr. Boxer points out. “I always tell patients, if you would normally see a portion of this food in your stool, stay away from it during a flare.”

Consider a Probiotic
Some research indicates that probiotics may help mitigate a flare—or help prevent one. An analysis of published studies inMedicine (Baltimore)发现益生菌类型大肠杆菌烟头1917和VSL#3可以用作IBD的替代治疗。VSL#3可以有效地有一个人的人pouch surgery, or for those with mild to moderate disease. The jury’s still out on how much probiotics can help, but it doesn’t appear that taking them hurts, Dr. Bedford says. Dr. Boxer recommends probiotics to his patients. “I usually advise patients to use an over-the-counter, big brand probiotic. Don’t use an odd expensive one from the internet,” he says.

Do Downward Dog (or Other Yoga Poses)
Yoga can also be a helpful tool during a UC flare, says Dr. Bedford. Low-impact yoga styles combine the stress relief of meditation and healing power of exercise with gentle movement. And the calming energy can help relax you.One recent studyeven found that UC patients who did 12 weeks of traditional Hatha yoga had significantly higher health-related quality of life scores and lower disease activity at 24 weeks than those in an inactive control group. All the more reason to roll out the mat and do a sun salutation.
- 压力和UC:Frontiers in Pediatrics。(2019年)“儿童和成人炎症肠病的压力触发爆发。”
- 锻炼和uc:生物化研究国际。(2014.) “The Role of Physical Exercise in Inflammatory Bowel Disease.”
- 睡眠和uc:Scientific Reports。(2020.)“炎症性肠病中的睡眠障碍:流行和风险因素 - 横断面研究。”
- 管理UC:Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation. (2019.) “Managing Flares and IBD Symptoms.”
- Food and UC:胃肠社会/加拿大肠道学会。(2020.)“低残留饮食”。
- Probiotics and UC:Medicine (Baltimore)。(2018.) “The clinical effects of probiotics for inflammatory bowel disease: A meta-analysis.” / pmc /文章/ PMC6319782 /
- 瑜伽和uc:营养和代谢见解。(2019.) “The Synergistic Role of Diet and Exercise in the Prevention, Pathogenesis, and Management of Ulcerative Colitis: An Underlying Metabolic Mechanism.”
Healthcentral 2016-2018的高级编辑Erin L.Boyle是一位屡获殊荣的自由医疗作家和编辑,拥有超过15年的经验。十年来,她走过这个世界,将最新的医学研究带给医生。健康写作也是个性化的:她有几种自身免疫性疾病和偏头痛,她撰写了关于健康中央的健康。在Erinlynboyle.com了解更多关于她的信息。在Twitter上关注她@erinlboyle。