有过a growing surge in interest in the practice of mindfulness. It seems every week there is a new study touting its benefits as a useful tool in quelling anxiety, chronic stress, feelings of distress or depression, and a myriad of other health benefits. But what is mindfulness, exactly? How does it work, and how effective is it? Let’s take a closer look at the practice, and what research has to say.
What Is Mindfulness?
One of the best known definitions of mindfulness comes from Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). In his bestselling book,Wherever You Go, There You Are,Kabat-Zinn写道,“谨慎意味着以特定方式关注,目的是在目前的那一刻和非判配方式。”简而言之,正念是关于将你的注意力集中在你现在的位置。
Mindfulness has showed有希望的结果在管理焦虑和其他情绪问题中。压力和焦虑是生命的正常部分,但有时这些感受会过度,到他们压倒了我们的观点。这可能包括不断考虑负面经历或担心尚未发生的事情。
焦虑and worry can become chronic when a person continuously ruminates over past hurts or concerns or becomes preoccupied with angst or uncertainty over future events or worries. This is why mindfulness, with its emphasis on being in the present, has beenstudied as a useful tool减少这些负面情绪。当你的思想开始担心或徘徊时,谨慎的做法让你的意识回到你现在的空间,而无需判断这些想法和感受。
Accepting Your Thoughts and Feelings
正面背后的前提是,目前正在反对引起美国挫折,焦虑和担忧的压力源的影响。一项研究发现验收的思想, where you observe, acknowledge, and accept thoughts that come to you was most effective in halting intrusive negative thoughts. But the study also noted the practice didn’t reduce overall feelings of anxiety, despite lowering the frequency of negative thoughts.
同样的研究也发现了mindfulness practiceshelps people regulate anxiety-provoking thoughts and prevents from becoming repetitive and debilitating. Researchers found meditation that focused attention on breath was slightly less effective than acceptance-based mindfulness. The least effective method was progressive muscle relaxation exercise, where participants were asked to relax group of muscles that may be carrying tension.
正念可以实践informally or formally。我们可以拥有“日常思想”,在那里我们训练我们的大脑来关注我们在我们一天移动的情况下我们的感受。焦点在养育孩子的同时存在,在洗碗时感受到水,花一点时间听取自然的声音。正式的练习意味着对时间来说是故意练习谨慎的,例如通过引导的冥想,并听取音频下载。
正式和非正式的思想都有福利,但研究表明那些人正式练习思想看到了更多的好处。但它并不一定要长调解。根据一项研究,那些人practiced for 10 minutes a day16周的时间看到了与增强的重点关注和消除焦虑思想相关的神经功能的显着改善。
即使在暗中完成了所有研究,也很难对其有利于有用和有效的精确测量。一项研究从124项发布的试验中审查了数据表明88 percent of these had positive results, 9 percent had mixed conclusions, and 3 percent showed negative results.
More Research Is Needed to Fully Understand Mindfulness
The same research also noted that these studies have all found that mindfulness is associated with positive mental health, and that mindfulness training can be beneficial and helpful to many people. Mindfulness practices are continuously undergoing evidence-based research in order to add to its positive impacts on individuals.
雷切尔Zohn.is a mom, a wife, and a freelance writer who is striving to find the best way to juggle it all and maintain a sense of humor. She is a former newspaper reporter with a deep interest in writing about all things related to health, wellness and the human body. She enjoys writing about various health topics, including skin conditions such as eczema, different types of cancer and seasonal allergies.