Optimism Is Good for You and Your RA

There’s a benefitto feeling upbeat when you're challenged by a chronic illness: In short, optimism is good for your health. A positive mindset can help keep you stronger both psychologically and physically. In fact, a recent study in theJournal of the American Medical Associationfound that optimisitc people are less likely to have heart attacks or other cardiovascular difficulties than pessimists. When you feel better, you do better.

Group of people giving a thumbs up

The Benefits of Optimism

When it comes to rheumatoid arthritis, optimism is good for more than just your physical health: It also promotes resilience and helps people feel empowered to engage in an overall healthier lifestyle, including exercising more, eating better, and quitting smoking, according toa studyby the American Heart Association. It may even help reduce inflammation (and that's something to feel optimistic about!). Learn more about how good mood affects your RA.

Roller Coaster in amusement park

Optimism Builds Resilience

Having a chronic medical condition is like riding a roller coaster. There's the anticipation of waiting for the ride to start, which can be equated to the wait for a diagnosis. The climb is similar to your efforts at making health improvements. The roll down the hill can be the feeling of fear that your health is deteriorating, or the thrill of knowing that a treatment is working. Resilience, or “bouncebackability,” helps you maintain equilibrium throughout the ride.

Hand shaped heart against sunset

Optimism Improves Heart Health

Optimistic people have healthier hearts, study finds,” proclaimed the headline of an article about new research from the University of Illinois. During the study, 5,100 adults between the ages of 45 and 84 underwent tests for blood pressure, body-mass index, fasting plasma glucose and serum cholesterol levels, dietary intake, physical activity, and tobacco use. Participants also answered questions about their emotional and mental health. At the end of the 11-year study, the researchers found that the most optimistic people had higher health scores.

Happy senior people walking and holding hands

Optimism Increases Longevity

As a person living with RA, you probably get regular C-reactive protein (CRP) tests to measure the amount of inflammation in your body. Becoming more optimistic can positively influence those levels. A New York Times article entitledA Positive Outlook May Be Good for Your Healthcited a study in the Journal of Gerontology of more than 4,000 people that identified optimism as one of several factors that promoted longevity.

Man relaxing in the grass

Optimism Decreases Stress

A more positive view of aging can enhance the belief in one’s abilities, decrease perceived stress, and foster healthful behaviors. In the Journal of Gerontology study, people with positive views of aging had lower levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of stress-related inflammation. Perhaps stress is contributing to the increase in your CRP readings. Do what you can to lower the “temperature.”

Scared ostrich burying head in sand near blank wooden signboard

Optimism vs. Realism

“I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to realize that life is a complex matter,” said Walt Disney. The “ostrich in the sand” view can be detrimental to your health, as shown in this study:Unrealistic optimism promotes unhealthy behavior. Of 800 college-aged drinkers, those who took an overly optimistic view of whether their drinking habits were harming their health and grades experienced more problems. The moral: Be realistically optimistic.

Optimism and pessimism signpost on green nameplate on sky background

From Pessimist to Optimist

I am a reformed pessimist. For decades, I chose to look at life from the dark side. It prevented being disappointed or hurt when things didn't go as planned. While that was true, there was something far more sinister occurring. On the surface, I protected myself, or so I thought, but deeper down that pessimism was harming me. It triggered the stress response, which contributes to the inflammatory response. Yes, there was something wrong with that picture!

Thank You in Different Languages

Gratitude Breeds Optimism

In the documentaryAdventures of an Incurable Optimist迈克尔·j·福克斯与帕金森disea居住se, says, “Since I’m not sure of the address to which to send my gratitude, I put it into everything I do.” The uncertainty of life with a chronic health condition can fan the flames of fear. Adopting an attitude of gratitude mitigates those fears, and helps transform your stress. Turn the searchlight on to illuminate the positives in your life, regardless of size or scope.

Young woman thinking and looking up

How Be More Optimistic

New behaviors take a while to develop, and may not be evident for some time. It's important to carefully monitor how you feel, as the improvements can be subtle at first. To become more optimistic, work on the following skills: Regularly transform your stress; practice mindfulness; change your perspective; identify your strengths; temper your perfectionism; keep a gratitude journal; perform small acts of kindness; get creative; set attainable goals; celebrate your successes.

Choosing the right door

Optimism Is a Choice

“Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make, makes you. Choose wisely.” ~ Roy T. Bennett,The Light in the Heart.

不要等到你的条件改变to feel better. Instead, learn to feel better and change your condition. Feel better by choosing an attitude of optimism.

Meet Our Writer
Marianna Paulson, B.Ed., B.P.E.-O.R.

Marianna Paulson is known as AuntieStress. On her Auntie Stress website, you’ll find links to her two award-winning blogs, Auntie Stress Café and A Rheumful of Tips. When she is not helping clients (and herself) address stress, she keeps active by swimming, walking, and taking frequent dance breaks. She takes steps in a number of different directions in order to work on being a “Superager.” She may have RA, but it doesn’t have her! “Choose to be optimistic. It feels better.” - Dalai Lama XIV