
If you havethyroid cancer, problematic nodules or goiter, or less commonly Graves’ disease/hyperthyroidism or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, your doctor may recommend thyroid surgery — known as a thyroidectomy. There are 10 questions you should ask before scheduling the surgery to remove all or part of your thyroid gland. Let’s take a look at these important questions.

- 当结节的细针抽吸(FNA)活组织检查是不确定的或不确定的时,不能排除甲状腺癌
- When nodules are interfering with breathing or swallowing
- When nodules or goiter are cosmetically unsightly
如果你有不确定的结节,你也许可以to avoid surgery by having the specializedVeracyte基因测试作为活组织检查的一部分。

如果您有低风险,小(尺寸1厘米或更小),生长缓慢的乳头状甲状腺癌,专家现在推荐积极监测 - 也称为“注意等待” - 而不是手术。John C. Morris,III,M.D.,是Mayo Clinic划分的明尼苏达州内分泌学家罗切斯特Endocrinology, Diabetes, Metabolism, and Nutrition。He has said that “If the thyroid cancer is not dangerous and won’t cause a problem, we can argue that any treatment is more than is actually needed.”


How much of my thyroid will be removed?
您应该询问外科医生您需要删除多少甲状腺。虽然大多数甲状腺手术是全甲状腺切除术 - 虽然可以去除整个腺体 - 如果乳腺切除术 - 去除甲状腺的一半 - 是一种选择。如果您患有甲状腺癌,您的外科医生也可能进行淋巴结解剖,从而在甲状腺周围除去一些一些淋巴结。

What type of surgery will be performed?
询问您的外科医生将如何进行手术。传统的甲状腺手术涉及颈部切口 - 注意将切口放在颈部折叠中以最小化瘢痕的可见性。然而,如果您的手术不适用于甲状腺癌,您可能是机器人腋窝(腋下)手术的候选者。根据Duke Health endocrine surgeon Michael Stang, M.D.: “Some patients are candidates for this procedure, as long as the thyroid isn’t too big.”


You should ask your surgeon what specific preparations you should make before surgery. For example, you will typically be told not to eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery.

You should review with your surgeon any signs or symptoms of complications that may arise after your surgery, and what you should do. For example:
- 应立即评估出血,发热和显着的疼痛。
- Voice changes and hoarseness are common after surgery and usually resolve on their own.
- Numbness and tingling in the fingers and mouth and muscle cramps can be signs of hypoparathyroidism, a complication of thyroid surgery. Your doctor should instruct you on a plan of action, including the appropriate dose of calcium and vitamin D to take in the event this occurs.

What follow-up is needed after my surgery?
Before surgery, you should schedule a follow-up visit to remove any stitches or staples after your thyroidectomy.
你的外科医生应该建议你对你的recuperationafter thyroid surgery, including when you can go back to work, exercise, sports, and regular activities, including driving. You should also ask about protecting your scar after surgery, and how to care for your scar to minimize the appearance.

What is the plan for thyroid hormone replacement?
After thyroid surgery,你很可能是甲状腺功能次甲状腺功能率,需要寿命处方甲状腺激素替代药物,如左甲苯胺或天然干燥的甲状腺。在手术前,您应该与您的医生讨论该计划,何时开始药物,这些药物将被规定,以及定期验血和监测计划,以确保您获得的最佳剂量。
玛丽肖蒙是一个病人的倡导者和New York Timesbestselling author who empowers readers with information on thyroid and autoimmune disease, diabetes, weight loss and hormonal health from an integrative perspective. Mary has been a leading force advocating for more effective, patient-centered hormonal healthcare. Mary also co-stars in PBS’ Healthy Hormones TV series. Mary also serves on HealthCentral’s Health Advocates Advisory Board.