9 Qs患有子宫内膜异位症的女性总是询问医生

通过劳伦·埃沃伊·戴维斯 健康作家

1500万女性美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)的数据显示,在美国患有子宫内膜异位症,当子宫内膜样组织生长在子宫壁之外,并在输卵管、卵巢、肠道和其他地方发现时,就会发生子宫内膜异位症。许多人错误地认为这种经常疼痛的疾病纯粹是妇科疾病,但事实上它可能与消化系统疾病有关,包括肠易激综合征(IBS)。在这里,我们向endo专家提出了九个问题,以帮助澄清困惑。

pain on toilet












yoga meditation

Will I Always Feel Endometrial Pain?

Early diagnosis and a multidisciplinary approach to pain management is important. “I encourage diet changes, mental health assistance, yoga, meditation, and physical therapy prior to surgery,” Dr. Orbuch advises. Endometriosis can coexist with bladder pain syndrome (interstitial cystitis). Women who have it experience pelvic pain that can be accompanied by lower urinary tract symptoms, such as urgency to urinate and increased urinary frequency, even at night. Go-to pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen can help—but they manage symptoms and are not treatments for endometriosis. Hormonal contraception, on the other hand, may prevent new lesions.


Does Hormonal Contraception Help Endometrial Symptoms?

Combination birth control pills that use both estrogen and progestin (the Pill) are a common method to help alleviate symptoms and pain from endometriosis. Hormones can also be delivered by a vaginal contraceptive ring (Nuvaring) or a patch (Ortho Evra) that you wear on your skin and change weekly. Hormonal contraception is regularly used for long-term management of symptoms and to keep endometriosis from worsening. You may experience some side effects, including weight changes, nausea, nutrient depletion, mood changes, and GI disturbances, according to the Mayo Clinic.

surgical tools

Is Surgery Necessary for Endometriosis?

Excision surgery—meaning, a doctor cuts out any abnormal endometrial implants—is also done to treat endometriosis (although some doctors think hormonal contraception may be a better option to prevent lesions from occurring long-term). Dr. Orbuch recommends that endo patients who are considering surgery find a specialist who specializes in excision. “Ask your OB/GYN: ‘What percentage of your practice is devoted to endometriosis versus delivering babies?’” she advises, before adding that hysterectomy isnotthe standard of care. And FYI: “The only time hysterectomy is needed is when endometriosis is found in the muscles within the uterus,” a condition known as adenomyosis, she adds.



Physical therapist and nutritionist Jandra Mueller, who sees endo patients at the Pelvic Health and Rehabilitation Center in Encinitas, CA, notes that because most women with endometriosis also have irritable bowel syndrome, dietary changes sometimes help with pain and digestive problems. She’s seen success in her patients who adopt an anti-inflammatory diet (no dairy or gluten, plenty of whole foods, and little to no processed foods or alcohol). Mueller also recommends pelvic floor therapy and low-impact exercise as lifestyle treatments.


Is Getting Pregnant Easier After Treatment for Endometriosis?

子宫内膜异位,when caught in its earlier stages, can be very treatable. Because this ailment affects many different systems in the body, it may take some time to be diagnosed. Keeping a monthly food journal and tracking your menstrual cycle and symptoms is one way to help your doctor figure out your specific triggers and provide an individualized treatment approach. Once symptoms improve, getting pregnant is easier, too. While anecdotal, Mueller says that one of her patients experienced a spontaneous (unplanned!) pregnancy shortly after having surgery and tweaking her diet by eating more whole foods, fruits, and veggies.


Lauren Evoy Davis是一位热爱健康的终身说书人。她的写作生涯专注于癌症护理、支持性护理、新疗法以及技术和医学的相互作用。你可以在LaurenEvoyDavis找到她。通用域名格式。