
经过莎拉的景色 卫生师

As with other自身免疫性疾病,类风湿性关节炎(RA)症状可以发收和流动。您可能会延伸,在您的RA几乎没有登记的地方 - 并且当它爆发时,它会在生命中变得痛苦的破坏。虽然这些耀斑可能是不可避免的,但您可以采取措施确保他们尽可能少地干扰您的时间。研究人员了解更多treating RA比以往任何时候都和教育如何预防和治疗耀斑it strikes can make the disease much more manageable.

businessman looking at watch
Andrea Natali


While it’s all too easy to think, I’ll just let it be and maybe the flare will go away on its own, this mindset can be unhealthy. A study conducted by the Outcome Measures in Rheumatology Clinical Trials (OMERACT) found that leaving类风湿关节炎Flares未经治疗的可能导致您在未来具有更大的联合损害和较差的健康风险。相反,当你体验到ra闪光时,马上跳起来。这是你需要了解如何处理爆发的一切,然后从下一个地方接下来。



如果你知道什么是一个打开,你会在战斗中,你会有一个爆发,并立即识别症状。有没有常见的触发器对于耀斑 - 像过度的东西,压力,感染和糟糕的睡眠的回合 - 知道通常是什么火花您的RA最重要。如果您已处理RA一段时间,请仔细考虑在每个耀斑发生之前在做什么。如果你是新的RA游戏,保持症状期刊可以帮助您学会发现模式。底线:听你的身体!


Talk to Your Doctor


woman sleeping on desk
kha ruxury.


Dr.namm博士说,如果您遇到爆发,则休息受影响的关节至关重要。期望从家里工作或避免一起工作。致电朋友和家人来帮助差事或托儿所。并获得大量的喇嘛般:研究表明,睡眠损失可以加剧RA symptoms。如果您的疼痛或焦虑导致失眠,请与您的医生一起使用,找到一个帮助您更睡眠的日常生活;这可能包括避免睡前的酒精,咖啡因和技术。

Christopher Campbell

Do Some Gentle Movement

Although rest is key, total inactivity can make joints and surrounding muscles stiffer and more painful. Don’t push yourself to the point that the flare is aggravated, but even tryingvery light activity如在您的房间周围行走或来回移动肢体,可以帮助避免僵硬。实际上,运动可以润滑关节,易于炎症。



Just because they’re simple (and cheap!), doesn’t mean they’re not effective. According to the Arthritis Foundation, heat enhances circulation and is best used when you’re experiencing stiff joints or tired muscles. Get your fix via a hot shower, a heating pad, or a 20-minute soak in hot water. Break out the cold packs to ease acute pain; they slow your circulation while reducing swelling. Whether you take some frozen peas out of your freezer or go all in with an ice bath, the choice is up to you.

Pharmacist examining a bottle of prescription medicine


When your RA goes on the rampage, you usually needadditional medicine在某种程度上恢复它。“RA的耀斑通常用泼尼松或非甾体抗炎药(NSAIDs)治疗,”林达李,M.D.中风家·伯克利高地的峰会医学集团,NJ。按照指示服用药物,提供了尽可能避免副作用并从耀斑释放的机会。

Kelvin Valerio.


研究人员发现,类风湿性关节炎患者ore likely to report a flare up following astressful or traumatic life event。While you can’t always avoid stressful situations, you can learn healthier ways to cope with them. Techniques such as meditation, journaling, and deep breathing can have the potential to decrease the impact of stress on your body. If you find yourself stressing out and flaring up, turn to one of these strategies to help short-circuit the panic cycle.

Mature Female Patient In Consultation With Doctor Sitting At Desk In Office

For Next Time: Update Your Treatment

您是否服用了处方药,但爆发率只是继续来?博士问题建议使用你的风湿病学者to make a change to your regular disease-modifying therapy. What works for one patient with RA won’t necessarily work for you. And sometimes, medication that worked before suddenly loses its effectiveness (this can happen with biologics in particular). Finding the best treatment for you can require a bit of trial and error, but being proactive with it can get you on the path to a healthier, more manageable life much quicker.


莎拉是一家位于纽约市的自由作家和帝国鼎盛宗教信机,这是一种数字空间,用于突出纽约市的拓展妇女。她的工作涵盖了一系列主题,特别关注精神健康,性别和关系内容,并出现了Bustle内幕,健康线,Men’s Health那mindbodygreen, Fashionista, Greatist, HuffPost,Architectural Digest, 和更多。莎拉还花在意大利和澳大利亚的时光,在她旅行时写作。