“You don’t GETMS, until you get MS.”
If you have multiple sclerosis (MS), you might have heard that saying at least once before. It’s one of the first things I remember hearing people say after I was diagnosed. I didn’t understand the simple significance of the phrase then, but almost 15 years later, I finally do. So how do you deal with people who just don’t GET MS?
Take a deep breath and practice compassion
Keep talk about MS simple
If the person who just doesn’t get MS is open to learning more, I suggest that you keep explanations simple. There are basically关于MS的三件事。开始。通过在神经高速公路上发出超级快速信息来控制身体。在MS中,神经信号可以延迟,绕开或被扣留。当消息变乱时,身体以各种方式出现故障,导致症状我们可以看到和其他我们不能。简单,对吗?
有时这是一种帮助他人开始“获得MS”的方法。首先,以下短语可能很难说,但他们非常宝贵 - 请原谅,请;你能帮我帮助我吗?我因为MS而难以[插入任务]。如果您确实接受了帮助或住宿,请在真诚的谢谢。祝贺!你刚刚完成了两件事:减轻了自己的负担,并详细教育了一个关于MS的人。
好吧,听到那不是很可爱吗?人们有时会模糊最不恰当或不敏感的词语。尽量不要亲自接受它。你,生活在MS的人,很好地知道MS对每个人都不同。仅仅因为你的女士的朋友需要轮椅并不意味着你会的。仅仅因为你有问题,吞咽并不意味着下一个人会有一定会。我对这种类型的陈述的回应是一个简单的 - “我很遗憾你的损失。”
Listen to the thoughts beneath the words
仔细聆听对方的说法 - 它可能归结为对你未来或他们自己的恐惧的表达(如果他们有一天得到MS,那么)。表达同情的方式可能挑战,这种方式听起来不会居高临下或不诚实。
嘿,你知道MS可能会给你超级力量吗?MS可以给你blood。It can make you a human thermometer, capable of detecting a rise in temperature of only a couple of degrees. MS can even help you connect with some of the coolest folks who also happen to live with MS.
Please understand that your sense of anger, resistance, and frustration with those who don’t “get MS” is totally normal. It’s how you handle that frustration that matters most. You can’t control other people, but you can talk with them. If they learn something, great! But if they aren’t interested, so be it. Your well-being is much more important!
Living with multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid Arthritis, Lisa Emrich is an award-winning, passionate patient advocate, health writer, classical musician, and backroad cyclist. Her stories inspire others to live better and stay active. Lisa is author of the blog Brass and Ivory: Life with MS and RA and founder of the Carnival of MS Bloggers. Lisa frequently works with organizations in support of better policies, patient-centered research, and research funding. Lisa serves on HealthCentral’s Health Advocates Advisory Board, and is a Social Ambassador for the MSHealthCentral Facebook page.