坐骨神经痛是辐射坐在坐骨神经 - 身体中最大神经的疼痛,刺痛或麻木 - 从每个腿的后部和下方运行。最常见的原因是椎间盘突出的光盘,凸起和压制坐骨神经。
2. Apply ice, then heat
有些医生已经转向了神经疼痛药物普瑞巴林(歌雷加)的偏离标签,以缓解坐骨神经痛,希望药物能够以相同的方式缓解症状,这有助于缓解神经损伤引起的疼痛类型,例如糖尿病神经病变。但是一项新的研究粉碎了那些希望。在涉及坐骨神经痛的209名患者的试验中,根据出版的调查结果新英格兰医学杂志in March 2017. And since the drug has side effects, ranging from dizziness, blurred vision, and drowsiness to changes in sexual function, the best advice is not to take pregabalin for sciatica.
4. Get up and move
Sleepless nights can leave you exhausted and make sciatica feel even worse. Avoid caffeinated beverages and alcohol. To relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve while you sleep, lie on your side with a pillow between your knees or on your back with a pillow or two under your knees.
What your doctor may suggest
如果保守治疗六周内没有改善症状,并且持久的坐骨神经有人开始干扰你的日常生活,将类固醇药物注入受影响的脊髓区域可能会降低炎症和疼痛,尽管结果通常是短暂的。在一项研究中Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research2017年2月,研究人员进行了47名接受脊髓注射的患者,其中46名接受了盐水的安慰剂。治疗后四周,接受类固醇注射的患者报告的疼痛少于安慰剂组。但到第十二周,两组之间没有区别。
If you still have disabling pain after three months, your doctor may recommend surgery if a herniated disc is causing your sciatica. But the benefits may not be long-lasting. In a 2016 analysis in the欧洲痛苦杂志研究人员发现,手术后的前三个月,手术的好处最令人印象深刻。五年后,大多数患者仍然报告坐骨神经痛和不适。
Unfortunately, there’s no magic bullet for treating persistent sciatica. Staying active can help ease the pain and may prevent flare-ups. Protecting your lower back by finding comfortable positions that don’t put stress on your spine — sitting up straight with a lumbar pillow for support, for instance — may also help prevent the sciatic nerve from becoming irritated and inflamed. If you have to sit for long stretches, take frequent short breaks to get up and walk around.
彼得贾罗斯is the author of several health-related books, including "In Self-Defense: The Human Immune System" (Harcourt Brace), "Nurse: A World of Care" (Emory University Press), and "Impact: On the Frontlines of Public Health" (National Geographic). A frequent contributor toNational Geographic那纽约时报那读者文摘那Health那更多的那AARP公告和数十个其他期刊,jaret是美国医学协会新闻和两个詹姆斯胡须奖的接受者。他住在加利福尼亚州皮特卢马。