
byLauren Arcuri. Health Writer

Asthma affects nearly2500万美国人。It’s a chronic, inflammatory disease of the lungs and airways that makes it difficult to breathe at times. While there is no cure for asthma, it can help to avoid your triggers. An asthma trigger is something that causes your asthma to get worse. When you’re exposed to it, you can get an asthma attack, flare-up, or episode—a sudden worsening of your asthma symptoms.

Dandelion seeds blowing in the wind.


High pollen counts in spring and fall can cause asthma symptoms to flare. In contrast, dust mites and pet dander are allergens commonly found inside. Food and medicine can also cause asthma attacks. For instance, food allergies, aspirin, NSAIDs, and even herbal medicines can cause asthma attacks when people eat or take these items. Know your allergens and avoid them. Tell every healthcare provider your known food and drug allergens.

Thermometer with cold temperature.

Sudden weather changes

For some people, dry wind, humidity, cold air, and/or sudden changes in weather can trigger their asthma symptoms (storms, strong winds, and sudden temperature changes for example). Days when ozone is high and the air quality is poor can also trigger symptoms. Check your空气质量指标。在敏感或更差的日子上,如果可能的话,留在空调。

Woman outdoors with a cold.

Respiratory infections

Whether it’s a common cold, the flu, a sinus infection, or even acid reflux, it can make your asthma flare. Fun fact: even pregnancy can cause asthma symptoms to worsen temporarily due to hormone shifts. Infections are common causes of asthma attacks, so wash your hands often and well, get a flu shot unless contraindicated for you, and avoid going near people who are sick. Check with your physician to make sure any medical conditions like acid reflux are treated properly.

Candles and flowers.


Some people with asthma find that certain scents in perfume, deodorant, candles, cleaning supplies, shampoo and conditioner, and other personal care items trigger their asthma. Use scent-free and fragrance-free products for yourself. If necessary, ask your doctor’s office to set up a fragrance-free zone for you or have you go directly into a scent-free exam room. Avoid heavily fragranced stores or areas.

Backyard bonfire.



Guinea pig.


Your furry and feathery friends shed dander and saliva that can trigger your asthma to flare.Common allergenic petsare dogs, cats, hamsters, Guinea pigs, bunnies, mice, and ferrets. Make a plan with your doctor to manage your exposure. There are some hypoallergenic breeds. Vacuuming and damp dusting weekly can help manage exposure. Avoid having pets in your bedroom.

Woman crying on a couch.


Your emotions can directly affect your asthma. When we experience strong emotions, anxiety, and/or stress, our breathing patterns are affected. Crying and laughing both tax our breathing muscles and respiratory system. Anystrong emotions can lead to asthma attacks, including anger, fear, and even joy. Stress and/or chronic anxiety can also worsen symptoms. Make sure to treat chronic stress and anxiety. Ensure you have an effective asthma plan for acute attacks.



There is a specific form of asthma called exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB). Exercise, particularly in cold air, is a common trigger for people with asthma. Even though exercise can trigger asthma attacks for some people, you shouldn’t avoid exercise if you have asthma. You should make sure youmanage and treat your EIB properly。Make a plan with your doctor to prevent and manage your symptoms so you can enjoy exercising safely.

Cleaning a wooden table.


Cockroaches, mice, rats, and even dust mites could aggravate your asthma symptoms. You might find these pests at home, in your workplace, or your school. Get rid of the pests if at all possible. Use allergen-proof bedding covers. Vacuum and dust weekly. Store garbage outside. Wash bedding regularly.

Meet Our Writer
Lauren Arcuri.

Lauren Arcuri.is a freelance writer in northern Vermont. She writes about health and medicine, including neuroscience, microbiology, and genetics. She has written forPacific Standard,Proto,加州大学,伯克利,公共卫生白皮书学院,以及许多其他出版物。