Nafisa:自从我被诊断出患有多发性硬化症后,有人问过我一个最疯狂的问题,那就是我是怎么患上多发性硬化症的?克里斯托:哦,你应该吃这个,它会治好你的多发性硬化症。布鲁克:你能吃吗?你可以喝酒吗?达莉亚:哦,你累了?哦,我也有同感。我今天上了两班。雷夫:我的朋友说你还能活六个月。基本上,我必须马上下来。我只是想挂他电话。 Kim: I disclosed it and they just looked at me and said, can I catch it? Julie: How much time do you have left? And I was like, I don't know, how much do you have left? It doesn't really impact your life expectancy. Nafisa: How did you get MS? It's not necessarily a crazy question. Crazy, because I wish I had the answer, of course, but I really don't know how I got it. One day I just couldn't walk straight and it just went from then on. Daria: I could be feeling horrible inside of me. Have a really bad fatigue spell. I'm having a bad day. But if I'm full face, nice hair, cute outfit. They just think, Oh, you're fine. Even though you're struggling to just get day to day or remember a name or remember little things, but people will tell you, I feel the same way. Really? Rafe: I'm a filmmaker and I was on set once and someone who didn't know I had MS, he cracks inappropriate jokes all the time. And he said, joking at another camera operator, what do you have MS? Can't hold that thing straight? And that was two weeks after I was diagnosed. Karen: The first week I was diagnosed, a nurse came over and the first thing she says is, well, would you consider possibly investing into a stair lift? Because you may need it to get from point A to point B. Within that first week, I'm still learning about what MS is. And I said, what?! A stair lift?! I'm only 25 years old and she's declaring that I will be needing that. I've always had a warrior spirit. And this was not going to allow me to just go under their wing and say, OK, I will fall into that. No, I know that this is not going to define me. I'm going to prove you wrong.