雷夫:我接到电话说我脑子里有很多东西,然后我马上打电话给一个工作上很亲密的朋友,什么都不知道。但我得给同事提个醒。金:我没有告诉我的老板和同事,后来我不得不告诉他们,因为我要去输液。雷夫:对于任何被确诊的人,如果你不愿意告诉你的老板、经理或任何可能的人,你就得这么做。你真的必须这么做因为你的一生都将与这种疾病相伴。所以有一天你上班迟到了,因为你的腿坏了,你不敢告诉他们。他们怎么能同情呢?他们怎么能理解呢?金:那时候,我的疲劳期真的很严重。所以我觉得我应该告诉他们,以防我需要坐下来休息一下。 So I told them after I got the job because I didn't want that to affect it. Even though people say they don't care, but they really do. It does matter. And I wanted to be on file because I was afraid that if something happened, they wouldn't know what to say if they called 9-1-1. So I felt like I had to tell them. But everybody was pretty cool about it. Nafisa: I was in an interview, and he asked me what makes me different from other people. First thing that popped in. my mind was like MS. Oh, my gosh MS! And so at the moment, I was just kind of like, "What makes me different is that I have MS." And he was like, "Wow, my mom has MS!" And then it was just kind of like history from there. He was understanding, and he knew that if I said, "I can't" he didn't take it as like me being lazy or me just not want to do it. He was super understanding and was just kind of like, got it. Rafe: I might be wrong, but I like to think most people are not out to get you. And how can work support you if they don't know that you're afflicted by something that you can't control? Brooke: I get to work from home, so they kind of don't need to know. Not that I wouldn't tell them. It just hasn't come up. And I think that it's best to tell people so if they ask, "Why are you calling out so much?" I can just say, "Oh, well, I just need a rest day." "Or I have to go for an MRI and it's going to take four hours and have to wait in the office for two hours. So that's why I'm calling out." Kristine: I told my direct manager right away. I felt, you know, just being as transparent as I can and just to nip it in the bud as early as I could would allow us to also be able to figure out a routine and a schedule that would work for the business as well as myself.