金:多发性硬化症没有影响我的性生活。药物。朱莉:如果我在上面,腿会痉挛,你知道,就像抽筋一样。克莉丝汀:糟吗?当然,这会很糟糕。但他明白了。他知道我们不会逼他。我们不想让事情失控。达莉亚:润滑剂和口交。这很有帮助。 The interesting thing is that doctors do not prepare you for that side of the conversation. So I used to think it was just me. I had no idea it was related to my MS, like the first two years of having it. Kristine: I'll have an exasperation sometimes during sex, which is crazy, where my hands especially will become numb and the tingling sensation going throughout my arms. So it's obviously uncomfortable and I have to really just...We got a time out, you know, got a tap out of this one, because it's just it's not going to work out. Daria: You just have to take advantage of the good days, find other aspects, and how to move around it. Kim: There are ways to work around it. I mean, when we talk about, oh, being intimate with someone, or intimacy, we always think of sex. But, you know, just that physical touch, just that, you know, kissing the shoulders, or the neck, or just touching the skin. Julie: What I do is I just set a reminder, each week that, hey, you're having sex. Like, whether or not you're in the mood to, you'll eventually get where you need to go. But I think it's really important for relationships to stay fresh and keep having sex.