达莉亚:我学会了耐心,学会了积极乐观。Nafisa:弹性。雷夫:我能挺过去。克里斯托尔:我不仅能处理它,还能从中变得更好。娜菲莎:如果每次我感觉不舒服的时候我都会感到焦虑,那我的思维就会一成不变。这是我一直在努力记住的最重要的事情。达莉亚:我不想在40岁的时候还因为得了多发性硬毁症而感到沮丧。我想继续过我的生活,感到快乐和高兴,即使今天不是好日子,你知道。金:如果我今天过得不好,但我真的很想做点什么。我花了很多年才明白。今天你可能需要使用拐杖。 Rafe: I chose to run the marathon because it was out of fear initially. Out of fear of not been able to walk again. And now it's out of... I really love it. Kim: Like it's not giving in. And I just think that like I'm giving in to using a walker, I'm giving in to using a cane. And it's not, it's just helping you get from point A to point B with a little help. And you might not need it the next day. Crystal: To be mobile again when I wasn't for a long time. To be able to overcome that and feel like I'm even healthier now in a way. You know, I was able to climb Kilimanjaro. I exercise daily. I'd feel really good. I feel really great.