Nafisa:我想让人们知道的是患有多发性硬化症是多么不可预测。布鲁克:但在我需要帮助之前,我并不总是需要别人提供帮助。金:很难在你的生活和你和MS.之间找到平衡。雷夫:你可能会没事的。你真的是。金:说实话,大概是在我八、九岁的时候,我才接受我有多发性硬化症,我可能需要帮助,寻求帮助是可以的。布鲁克:我希望我的朋友们知道我真的很好,直到我告诉你我不好为止。我还能用我的身体,所以我很幸运。有些人不能,所以也许先帮助他们。达莉亚:总是说,哦,天哪,我很抱歉。几乎像哀悼。 I'm just like, you can show me love. Like support me. Come out to these MS walks, like talk to me, still be my friend. Like, they just assume like it's a death sentence and it's not. Crystal: Everyone has something, you know, that they're dealing with. Nafisa: But with MS, it's like your bad days are really bad. Rafe: It can be really hard. I sat in the hospital room unsure of what's going to happen. Terrified. Like head in my hands. Twenty-six years old. My doctor comes up to me. Put their hand on my shoulder. Are you Mr. Karen? Yes. She goes, my name is Dr. Costner. I'm gonna be your doctor. You will be okay.