雷夫:我不认为多发性硬化症影响了我成功工作的能力。不幸的是,我想我会工作到倒下。金:我很难写作,所以我会写,我猜图表不够整齐。克里斯汀:当你对你的多发性硬化症发作感觉不那么好时,这是一个挑战。卡伦:如何在工作中发挥创造性?好的。我不能在12点有固定的午休时间。然后我要准备一天的零食,这样我就可以有一个清晰的思考的大脑。克莉丝汀:我早上需要多30分钟。不是9点到,而是9点半到,因为我在精神上还没有准备好开始我的一天。 I needed that extra cushion. Kim: When I was diagnosed, I just got a job teaching special education. It almost made teaching with MS, not easier, but more enjoyable because they were having their own issues. They were having mobility issues. So if I tripped or if I, you know, we can all just laugh about it. Rafe: I was in a hospital getting an infusion one day. There was an older gentleman sitting next to me who had just been diagnosed. He said, "How am I gonna help my family?" He was sobbing, crying. Older gentlemen. "How can I help my family?" "I can never work again. I can never do anything again." He thought his life was over. And I just talked to him. I said, "I think you can." "I've been diagnosed for six months, I'm here." "I go to work. It's not like it was, but I can do it." Kristine: I was able and fortunate to have some great people around me to really understand if there were conditions that didn't allow me to be physically there. I was still available to them, remotely. Karen: Now I choose to go to work with, I get to go to work. I don't have to go to work. I get to go to work. And I'm thankful for that.